If Only

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(Ana_Chamy you know where this is going😩😩)

(if the font is like this, it means what Hermiones saying/thinking in her mind!)



"Where have you been?" scoffed a slightly annoyed Y/N at her girlfriend, Hermione. "It's midnight and we were supposed to have a movie night."

"I was in Hogsmaede with Ron." replied Hermione in a tired voice, only making Y/N angrier at the little effort she was giving.

"Out with the carrot top again, huh? Probably snogged while drinking butterbeer, I bet." huffed Y/N accusingly.

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed as her face contorted in confusion, until it became stony, her glare icy.

"Yeah we probably were." she lied with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest to see Y/N's reaction, but she immediately wished she hadn't said such a thing at the hurt look etched upon her lover's face.

"Fine." said Y/N, her voice now shaky as her eyes glossed over with unshed tears. "Fine! We're over! Go and snog that spineless git as much as you want! Go shag for all I care!" she yelled as she made her way to the door.

"W-Wait! Y/N I was just—" sobbed Hermione, extending her hand to grab Y/N, but she had already stormed out of the room.

And that was when she began to shake uncontrollably, her knees and legs giving up on her, falling to the floor as she brought her hands to her face. And for the first time, The Brightest Witch of Her Age didn't know what to do anymore.

End of Flashback

Not even a week had passed and Hermione already felt like she was going mad, lonely, if you would say. But her way to cope with her problem wasn't exactly...the best.

Y/N was in the Gryffindor Common room, sitting on the floor as she conversed with Ginny and Harry. That was until the bushy haired girl suddenly entered the room, standing a few meters away from YN, accompanied by Ron.

Y/N immediately knew who came into the scene, smelling the familiar candy scent the Gryffindor Girl always carried, her eyes flickered up onto her just for the slightest moment until she averted her gaze back onto Ginny and Harry.

"What's wrong with you and Hermione?" asked Ginny out loud for Y/N and Hermione to hear. "Another fight?"

"We broke up." replied Y/N plainly with a shrug, trying to act all unbothered and okay with how things are.

"Oh yes." replied Hermione as well. "Ron and I are a thing now." she added with a giggle.

"No way." said Ginny disbelief, curiously looking at Y/N's expression, who was trying to keep her face straight, yet her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth.

"Don't believe us?" said Hermione with a sly grin, Y/N looked up just to see the bushy haired girl cupping Ron's face, pulling him into a bruising kiss.

Oh don't be decieved, for it is Ron's lips that I'm kissing, but I only thought of Y/N, yet his kissing didn't replicate Y/N's, they didn't have the spark nor warmth in them.

If only I had done the things that kept true love alive.

If only I had described to you the joy you brought to me, instead of bringing you complaints and tantrums.

If I had touched you, kissed you, Love,
If I had loved you stronger,
If I had appreciated you,
We would have lasted longer.

If I had often said to you,
"It's you whom I adore," , perhaps you'd still be with me now, If I had told you that simple sentence everyday.

If only I had treated you as if we were best friends, I wouldn't be alone in grief,
As your love finally faded.

If only I didn't have to say,
"If only, my love, if only,"
I wouldn't be all by myself
So sorry, sad and lonely.

I could feel my heart constricting at the saddened, shocked look on your face;
It's still you whom I adore;
It's still you that I think about at night, imagining you laying down next to me so I could sleep.
But you don't love me anymore.

I sleepwalk through each day;
I pray to Merlin that you'll change your mind one day, but the look on your face made me realise that your love was long gone.

Time seemed to slow down when they pulled away as Y/N stood up, walking past Hermione, their shoulders brushing against eachother.

Their usual reminiscent laughter evaporated in the air, and their memorable goofy grins faded into frowns.

Y/N turned her head slightly, and their eyes met just for a single, blissful second, the spark in Y/N's eyes reappeared, before slowly dying out.

Quite like her love for the bushy haired girl.


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