Yule Ball

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Prompt: Y/Ns feelings for Hermione gets between their friendship


Y/N and the Golden Trio were sitted in the Gryffindor common room by the fireplace. Ron and Harry were sitted comfortably on the couch, whereas the two girls were on the floor, Y/Ns head resting on Hermiones lap.

"Have any of you got dates yet?" asked Ron, trying to get rid of the silence. All of them shook their head in response.

"How come you haven't got a date, Har? You're a champion. Should be easy." said Y/N. The bushy haired girl started to gently stroke the girls hair, Y/Ns eyes fluttered close at her touch. Hermiones lip curled into a small smile from the girls reaction. She simply loved how Y/N would melt into her simple touch.

"I'd ask you the same, Y/N." said Harry, quirking up an eyebrow. "Almost everyone asked you out to the ball and you turned them all down." he snickered.

"Can't believe you turned down a veela." exclaimed Ron. "It's as if you're keeping yourself available for someone."

"Maybe." admitted Y/N. She felt the bushy haired girl stop stroking her hair, she fluttered her eyes open to see the girl frowning down at her.

"Who?" said Hermione rather quickly in a slightly high pitched voice. "Who's the lucky guy?" she added with a forced laugh.

"Nobody said it was a guy." said Y/N with a sly grin.

"Cho Chang?" asked Ron, trying to guess who this mysterious person was. "I wouldn't blame you. Her nose is centered so I'd keep myself available for her if I were you." he nodded in agreement.

"Cho?" repeated Y/N with a low chuckle. "Nah. Good looking, but I know Harry has a thing for her." she snickered, looking up at the raven-haired boy who simply rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's getting quite late. I'm going to bed." yawned Harry, standing up. Ron decided to follow him and the two boys bade the girls goodnight before departing to their bedroom.

The common room was filled with silence once again. Hermione was reading, to nobodys surprise obviously. Y/N cleared her throat loudly, trying to get the bushy haired girls attention.


Hermione didn't take her eyes off the book, making Y/N slightly irritated. Her lips curled into a rather smug smirk as an idea formed in her head.

"Pretty girl."

Hermione averted her gaze off the book to Y/N in less than a second, her cheeks quickly turning a dark shade of red from the name that slipped out of the girls lips. Y/N quirked up an eyebrow, wearing a satisfied smirk. She simply loved making the bushy haired girl flustered.

"W-What?" said Hermione, looking almost everywhere and anywhere but the girl. Y/N sighed and cupped the girls jaw, pulling it downwards to meet those honey-brown eyes.

"Actually. I wanted to say something that concerns the ball."

"Same." replied Hermione. "You go first."

"Let's say it at the same time, yeah?" said Y/N with a smile, the bushy haired girl nodded in agreement.

"Will you go to the ball—"

"My date to the ball is actually Viktor Krum—"

Y/N stopped mid-sentence, her mouth forming a small O-shape. She felt her face falling at the information the bushy haired girl had just confided her in.

"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you." said Hermione, her eyebrows furrowing with slight suspicion.

Y/N clenched her jaw, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as a pang of jealousy hit her, her stomach making uncomfortable turns. She simply shook her head with a forced smile, standing up.

"I- er. Not important. I'm going back to my dorm." excused Y/N quickly. Hermione however grasped the girls wrist, preventing her from moving so quickly.

"Don't you want to stay and cuddle with me?" asked Hermione with a saddened and confused expression on her freckled face. Y/N stood silent for a moment, her thoughts consuming her.

As much as she'd love to cuddle with the bushy haired girl, melt into her touch and feel like she was home in her arms, she couldn't allow it. Her feelings had grown for the Gryffindor girl, even though she knew that there was zero chance that they'd ever be together in that way.

She learned to move on and push away her feelings, and cuddling with the girl would definitely not help at this point.

"Y/N?" said Hermione, giving her wrist a squeeze which seemed to drive Y/N out of her thoughts. "Don't you want to be with me?" she asked, her voice suddenly a bit cracked.

Y/N let out a shaky breath, gently removing her wrist from Hermiones grasp.

"No I don't." said Y/N in a monotone voice as she made her way out of the common room.

Hermiones glossed eyes followed Y/N until the figure soon disappeared. She felt her eyes sting, no doubt unshed tears were soon to come out. She was confused, sad and miserable. Why had Y/N act like that?

And for the first time, Hermione Granger didn't have an answer.


I feel bad for making my pretty girl sad fml

870 words

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