Chapter 58

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*warning* this chapter contains somewhat graphic seggsual action ;)

I work on Saturday then spend all of Sunday packing for camp. It's only for a week, but I feel like I'll need everything.

I try not to be jealous when Perry and Acacia both get new clothes sent down for them just for the trip.

The bus ride is going to be ten hours long – which is ridiculous, right? But atleast where we're going the weather will be ten times hotter. It's still going to be cool, but no where near as freezing as it gets on Mt October.

And of course, I'm not keen for camping because half the activities we will do are water based.

I sit next to Perry on the bus, so I figure now's a good time to have a chat with her.

"I need to tell you something," I say, then spill the beans about how Callum pinned me against the wall and kissed me.

"Does Darcy know?"

"No! Should I tell him?"

For once, Perry seems confused, like the answer isn't as black and white as she always sees things. "Well, you two aren't dating, so you don't really owe it to him. You never said you were exclusive. And, you pushed him off you – you didn't make the move on him. I guess, as long as it wasn't a reoccurring thing..."

"I hate him," I find myself saying, though I'm not really sure if I mean it. I mean, I do hate him, parts of him, parts of me. I hate that he's making me feel guilty for hurting Darcy. I just don't want to hurt Darcy – never. Seeing him break would be like putting a knife through my own heart.

I've felt this way about him for so long. It's such a strong feeling. Something I don't think I've ever felt before. I just don't know the word the right word to describe it.

I look up ahead and realise that Alyssa and Xander are sitting next to eachother, all lovey dovey.

I expected them to break up, I expected her drowning me to be the end of them. But looking at them now, they seem to be real friends. What if he's using her just as much as she's using him? Does that make it ok?

The teachers weren't joking when they said the ten hour bus long drive was going to be ten fucking hours long.

I fall asleep on Perry's lap, and she plays with my hair for what feels like hours in heaven.




When we finally make it to camp, we spend the first day unpacking our clothes into our cabins and getting a tour of the site.

The second day, we do a high ropes course for the morning. And of course, I'm paired with none other than the season-one-Blair-Waldorf of October Academy.

Alyssa and I are harnessed together, so if one of us falls, so does the other. I think of that as my insurance, and hope that she doesn't decide to make any lethal moves.

We start climbing the tree with wood nailed into it to become a makeshift ladder. It's harder than it looks.

Like I'm terrified of water, Alyssa seems to be terrified of heights. It makes it harder to tease her when she looks so afraid.

I giggle as she shrieks, pulling herself across the makeshift floating bridge.

She turns around, sending me the most self-righteous death glare.

"I didn't realise you were scared of heights?" I tease.

"More scared of your hideous outfit," she says.

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