Chapter 13

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The next day I sleep through half of my classes. Before I know it, I'm laying in bed half naked after having the speediest shower of my life.

As I'm in a half dream like state, an utterly evil, obnoxious, maleficent, repulsive, sound wakes me up. Ah, my phone ringing. I am in desperate need of a ringtone change.

"Hey girl, where you at?" Acacia says through the phone.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's four thirty!"


"We have our history excursion to the museum? Do you not recall?"

"See you in five minutes." I groan so loud Ms Svetkov knocks on the door to check I'm ok.

"Sounded like you were having a seizure," she says, devoid of any humour.

"Thanks for checking on me," I say sarcastically, holding my towel over my titties.

She leaves the room and I sprint to get some clothes on. I can't believe I forgot about the excursion. Funnily enough, it's my favourite excursion of the year. Mr Speidy is married to the museum owner, so they organise for us to take a tour after school when the museum is usually shut.

I sprint to the front of the school where the bus is waiting. My uniform is so messy and unironed that I probably look more like a homeless person than a student from October Academy.

I take a seat next to Acacia on the bus. "Lucky I called you," she says. "You totally spaced, didn't you?"

"Damn right," I mutter. "I'm so unorganised."

"Xander told me you have ADHD, that would make it hard to remember things, right?"


The bus starts moving. Wait, Darcy is in my history class. Is he here or did his chronical lateness get the better of him?

"Speaking of Xander," Acacia begins, knocking me off my train of thought. She's going to grill me, I know it. "You and Xander... did anything ever happen between you two?"

My whole face expands. "Umm... what?"

"You know like suck face or tickle pickles?"

"Fuck no," I almost gag at the thought. "I've never seen him in that way."

"Really?" she sighs with relief. "Phew. I mean, I really like you and want to get along but I'm also secretly very jealous. And the thought of you two bumping groins really gives me the jeebies."

"That's understandable."

"But seriously? I wouldn't blame him for being attracted to you."

I laugh out loud. "Trust me, Acacia. Never in a million years."

She settles back in her seat with a look of satisfaction on her face. She must've been biting her hands waiting for the right moment to ask me about that. What would she have said if Xander and I did hook up? Would she still want to be my friend?

Look, I'm not desperate for friends or anything... but Perry and Xander are the only people I've happened to get along with since moving here. And Acacia seems cool. She's probably the only girl Xander has liked that I've also liked. But is he just dating her for the money? Or was that a joke? Surely he's not solely into her because she's part of the richest family in the world...

The bus pulls up at the museum. Mr Speidy greets his wife at the entrance and then the two of them lead us through the museum.

The museum is definitely not the biggest, but it does have an amazing selection of relics and art. The first room is a series of animal fossils. Mrs Speidy gives us the rundown, going over the extinct animals and the different exhibits. Acacia walks beside me, but is distracted by Raphael, and the two of them walk off to talk to Mr Speidy.

The next room is ancient Europe. I admire the figure of a Grecian statue. I know enough about Greek art history from class. I take a step forward, eyeing the figure up and down. The gentle curves of her hips, the soft skin around her stomach – the epitome of health and beauty. Before I have the chance to compare myself, I hear a voice behind me.

"You know my Dad's half Greek," Darcy says, a step behind me.

I take a step back out of shock. "You scared me," I breathe. "I'm surprised you made it to the bus on time."

"I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see you."

My cheeks go hot. "Haha, very funny."

Where did that come from? He wears a new personality like armour. I haven't seen him stand so proudly before. It's almost like he's taken a page out of Callum's book.

The group starts walking ahead of us. We walk behind them, at the back of the group, keeping up a pace in sync.

"This exhibit is interactive. Please all step in as a group. It is dark, so be careful with your footing," Mrs Speidy says, gesturing for us to enter the room.

The room is very spacious. All the walls are black, everything is dark.

Projectors start to light up, showing documentaries or something about some war – I don't really know I'm not paying attention. Darcy and I stand side to side.

"This is so boring," Darcy says lazily, leaning over.

"History is an elective, you know? You did choose to come here," I say, keeping my eyes trained forward.

"Do you want to sneak out?"

I turn to face him with surprise. "Huh?"

"Don't tell me you're scared?" he says, daringly.

"If you're referring to the other night, the only thing I'm scared of is ghosts and drowning."

"That was cute," he teases.

"Don't mock me," I laugh then bite my lip.

"Then let's sneak out," he flashes me a cheeky smile. His fingers brush against mine before slipping my hand into his.

I'm glad this room is dark because I know my face is red as fucking red.

He gently pulls my hand with a grin, leading me out of the room. 

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