JFF Part 5: Ryan and Cameron: THE END

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JFF: Part Five: Ryan and Cameron: Ending

A/N: Hello. This will be the final part in this mini series/conclusion...whatever...that I've created following the Roomies story. Just to remind everyone....this Just For Fun stuff takes place on a camping trip a couple of weeks after Ryan, Cameron, Nate and Diego have graduated college. Jason and his husband Kyle are also with them. For the previous few chapters each of Cameron's potential love interests, Nate, Jason and Diego told campfire stories about what might have happened if Cameron did not get together with Ryan, but instead built a relationship with them. This chapter is mostly Ryan's thoughts, and I promise, no fake outs this time. And be prepared for mountains of fluff.

Ryan zipped up the tent behind him, turned and saw Cameron already snuggled in their two man sleeping bag. Only the tufts of his brownish blonde hair could be seen. Then an eye peeked out and a finger which motioned him closer. The tall young man grinned, and quick as he could, wiggled himself into the heavy fabric.

"Ooooo, you're naked!" Ryan folded the smaller man into his arms, caressing his smooth, soft skin. He quickly threw off his own clothes, squishing closer.

"Oh my god, and you are freaking freezing!" Cameron yelped, but didn't pull away. Instead, he too wrapped his arms around Ryan's broad back and twisted their legs together, pulling Ryan's curly head into his neck. Ryan octopussed his body around Cameron, always relishing the feeling of completeness when they were skin to skin.

They both sighed. Hands in each other's hair. Lips meeting in a quick but sweet kiss. Reaffirming their love.

"You were up all night? Aren't you exhausted?" Ryan murmured.

"Yeah. I'm pretty tired." Cameron yawned, kissing Ryan's neck.

"Those jackasses." Ryan snorted. "You'd think they would just want to go in their tents and fuck. Instead they'd rather tell stories about getting with my man." He squeezed Cameron, who just giggled.

  "But they're our jackasses," Cameron said, snickering. "What can I say? No one can resist me!"

Ryan shook his head again, rubbing his cheek on Cameron's. "You're joking but they're not. I had to put a ring on your finger before they got the idea," He kissed the simple silver band on Cameron's left hand.

Ryan was only slightly sarcastic. Diego's story was true in more than a few things. The last four years, the four of them had spent almost every minute together that they could, outside of school. Ryan had been alone in his own way, as Cameron had, before he'd moved into the Tanner's house. Jess always described him as the center of a crowd of friends, but truly, he'd been a passive, almost silent participant in the whirlwind of life with his lacrosse team from his private school. And at home, with his absent parents and ever present nanny's watching an unhappy Leah, he'd gamed exclusively in his bedroom with little interest in texting people or social media. He numbly hung out with his team, studied with Jess and focused on lacrosse. But it was like moving through life in an unfeeling, disassociated fog. Falling in love with Cameron and learning to accept himself, was like waking up for the first time in 18 years.

And now he found himself with not only a partner for life, but with two best friends. He couldn't imagine living his life without all three men. It was like night and day to how he grew up. Nate and Diego saw him, he felt real, he felt seen, as lame ass as that sounded. And Cameron, he'd die for Cameron. Full stop. Weird how he fell in love with someone who's best day included eating mac and cheese together while watching a movie. The sex was better than anything he'd ever imagined, but just as wonderful was baking cookies together or going shopping or sitting in class side by side. They'd be working in the garden, pulling weeds, and Cameron would laugh or complain, and Ryan's heart hurt with how much love he felt for his boy. How his life felt like a soap bubble, or a snowflake or something so precious but so delicate, that it might be over at any moment.

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