Is It A Date?

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Above:  Jason 

Is It a Date?

Cameron sat on the couch, peering out the living room window curtains.

"Is he here yet?" Mike asked, coming in from the backyard, putting down his pruning shears on the kitchen table.


The older man washed his hands and sat down next to Cameron, twitching the curtains himself to look for a moment.

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous? We're only going to the library." Cameron muttered, rubbing his hip repeatedly.

"Hmmmm. That should be nice." Mike smiled.

"Oh my god. He's here." Cameron stood up, then sat back down, looked at Mike, then stood up again. "How do I look?" He pulled down his green hoodie, and combed his fingers through his hair.

"You look nice." He desperately tried to hold in his laugh.

"But not too nice, right? I look just regular, right? Like I didn't try that hard or anything."

Mike stood up to get the door. "You look good, Cameron. I hope you have a nice time. Just not too nice, ok?"


"Nothing." Mike counted to 3 on his fingers, and gave Cameron a questioning look. "Ready?"

Cameron fiddled with his hood. "Yeah. I think I'm going to throw up."

"Not on my white carpet please." Mike opened the door. "Hi Jason. Welcome again!"

Jason came in. He was wearing a grey hoodie and jeans, converse. "Hi Mike." He glanced over at Cameron, who smiled and waved jerkily. "Hey."


"Ok, well you boys have a nice drive. It's supposed to rain, so just be careful. Cameron you got your phone?"

Cameron nodded, patting his pocket. Mike and Coach had surprised him with an early birthday present. A new cell. They said they'd feel better knowing he could call them, and they could get a hold of him. It felt heavy in his jeans, alongside the 40 dollars cash they'd given him for today. When he protested, they reminded him that Jason asked him to lunch, but since it wasn't a date (the two older men eyed each other), Cameron should be prepared to pay for his own way, and that he should always have money for an uber just in case. When Mike left the room, Coach had also tried to convince Cameron to take a condom as well (again, just in case) but Cameron had refused vehemently.

"What time do you think you boys might be home?"

Cameron glanced at Jason, questioning. "Uhh.. well, Maybe 5 or so? Is that ok?" Jason looked to Cameron, then Mike.

"I'm not Cinderella." Cameron muttered.

"I just wanted to know if you'd be home for dinner, is all." Mike replied calmly. "You're welcome to stay for dinner again Jason. We're just barbecuing some burgers. Nothing fancy."

"I have to take a raincheck, thanks though. I've got to prep tonight for school tomorrow."

"Ok. Offer stands if you change your mind. Have fun." He walked back into the kitchen, waving to Cameron.

Jason turned to Cameron. "You ready?"

Cameron tried to act cool. "Yup." His palms were sweaty, but he walked as calmly as he could to Jason's car.

It was overcast and the clouds above loomed. Rain did seem  likely.

In the car, Cameron clicked on his seatbelt.

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