28: Taking the Next Step

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My thumbs flew across the screen, composing the text, only to get halfway through for me to change my mind yet again. I don't know how many times I did it, but I couldn't think of how to ask her. It was Sunday evening, Ben had picked me up and walked me home from work (yes just for the ten minute stroll because I had a call with mum later and he didn't want to intrude). And now I was on my current mission of trying to think of how to message Marli.

In the end, I went for the simple approach.

Me: Hey! Long time no talk.

I moseyed over to the kitchen and began to prep my dinner, getting the pasta on to boil and the red sauce simmering when suddenly my phone binged.

Running across the room, I picked it up.

Marli: Hi yourself! How are you? How's London?

Me: Yeah good. I've made some really nice friends here and started seeing somehow. How's home?

Marli: Same old same old. Halfway through uni though, thankfully!

Marli: And who is this guy? Any pics?

After sending her a couple of eye roll emojis, I gave my sauce a stir and then decided to approach the topic I was contacting her for. It felt weird making this small talk after everything that happened...

Me: Hey... I was just wondering. Do you ever drive by Crazy Sharon's little library?

Marli: Like every day on the way to uni. I moved out of home at the start of this year. Why?

Me: If you get a chance next time you pass... do you think you could duck in there for me? I need to check something for a story I'm writing.

Marli: Yeah of course. What do you need?

Me: Remember those fairy books?

Marli: How could I forget? We spent forever searching every book collection in town to find copies.

Me: I need a picture or some words about the fairy activation circle. Like it's location.

Marli: Are you going to look it up?

Me: I was planning an excursion actually... wanted to go find it and get a feel for the place before I write about it.

I watched the three dots appear and disappear several times, which was odd. But I didn't question it. Eventually she said:

Marli: I'll send you a picture of the pages if you send me a picture of this guy.

Me: Ugh. Must I?

Marli: Pics for pics! That's the deal.

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

Marli messaged me the very next day to tell me she had a picture of the book, but refused to send it to me until I sent her one of Ben.

But when Ben escorted me home from uni on Monday evening, I got too scared to bring it up. How does one make that natural? Taking a picture? And then a part of me began to wonder about the myth of vampires not appearing in mirrors or photos...

And Tuesday passed.

Then Wednesday.

Then Thursday.

It was hard when we were in a packed tube and he would leave me alone in the evening to study.

But Friday night meant the weekend, so I was going to convince him to come up to my room in the hopes that us being alone together would give me some courage.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now