xxxxii. girlfriend

16 4 0


I met my girlfriend at an event

While walking around the big ben

She could speak superb French

When I asked to hear her accent again

She began to turn red

A school friend called her name

It made her whirl around

Some girl yelled

This caused me to turn around

A red-haired friend came running toward us

Concern stemmed inside

While they spoke some French

I got a feeling something was going to happen

It all happened in a whirlwind

And she ended up paying half of the rent

All I can do is thank the red-haired friend

For giving me a chance to have a girlfriend

Who researched trends for fun

And taught me some French

I thank the world everyday

For giving me a girlfriend again


here's another update for you guys:)

today i had a hair appointment and I was writing a poem but it somehow turned into a short story, would you want me to publish it? tell me in the comments and it's only 750 words. so pretty short

~xx hollyandmax<3

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