The Arena Pt.1

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My face flinched as the guard's hands gripped my upper arms lifting me from the floor. I tried to pull away but each time I struggled more guards surrounded me. My eyes searched the room trying to find Kent but there were too many guards blocking my vision.

" Kent!" I called through the guards

" Luna!" he responded from somewhere behind me

I struggled against the guards once more trying to reach kent. But I felt a piercing sensation behind my neck. I looked up to see a guard holding a needle with some kind of liquid. My body felt weak all my strength was slowly drained.

My muscles grew numb and my body fell limp against the guards allowing them to easily pick me up and continue carrying me down the corridor. We made it up the stairs and continued down the hallway, which seemed eerily empty. Usually, when I roamed through the halls there would be maids sweeping the floor or some of the king's guests.

But the room felt still.

I tried to move my head but even then it remained still.

The guards approached another group of guards standing in front of a large door. With a simple movement of their heads, they pulled open the doors leading us into a part of the castle I had never seen before.

Large stones had been scattered around the room. The sight of scattered weapons also filled my sight.

I had not recognized what the building was until the spine-chilling scent of dried blood filled my senses

This isn't just any room, this is a fighting arena.

I looked around us to find hundreds of faces staring down at us. I even saw most of the castle staff seated. The chef was seated near the front but he never looked up.

Before I could search the room any further my body was thrown down onto the floor and chained near the center.

Besides me, a similar situation was also set for Kent

I tried once again to move but my body failed me

I opened my mouth ready to fight, to argue, to do something other than being helpless. I've been helpless for far too long.

The sounds of yelling and grunts filled my ears. I turned to see Kent fighting his own battle. I watched as he struggled against the guards, thrashing his body and yelling whatever he could to piss them off. I could see that he wasn't given whatever poison was given to me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a guard's sudden movements, I tried to scream but it was too late. The guard's foot connected with the side of Kent's head. I watched in horror as his face swung in the other direction. His fighting stopped. The guards let go of his body suddenly causing him to fall to his knees, then onto the floor. blood slid down his forehead and I watched as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

For a moment everything fell silent. He was lifted from the ground and carried alongside me. We were carried from

Something inside of me broke and shifted as I watched. Kent wasn't fighting for himself. He's a soldier he knows the more he fights the harsh his sentence would be.

At that moment he looked up and our eyes met. Not a word was shared but I completely understood everything he wanted to say. Kent was willing to die for me at that moment. Sacrifice himself for my freedom.

Before kent could continue his fight a loud booming voice filled the room

"Stop the games" the king stood at the very center of the audience. He wore a flashy red robe adorned with jewels and other items showing off his wealth.

"These two traitors are being charged with high treason against the throne" he continued

'Treason aghast the throne' thought

" They have been suspected of working with the rebels who have killed more than 1,000 soldiers and 10,000 civilians"

The crowd burst out into murmurs and harsh whispers

I looked at kent in horror

These people believed I would work with the rebels who took my whole village as well as my only family left. Those rebels are the reason why I'm stuck here at the castle in the first place.

I pushed my muscles and I was able to sit my body on the floor

" Ahh, I guess you weren't given enough poison to keep you down, traitor. Try as you might but you will not be able to access your powers" he laughed and so did the crowd

"I am not a traitor to the thrown I am a prisoner" I was surprised at the sound of my voice

I never spoke above a whisper when I spoke to generals. For most of my life, I spent apologizing and proving that I deserved to be treated like a human being. But I am done.

I am done living for everyone except myself

I will not die without figuring out the source of this cursed power and killing the very people who place me in this situation

" Each and every single one of those rebels will die" I whispered this to myself

" oh so she can also speak!" the king jeered and laughed.

I managed to raise my eyes toward the king

" I hope you enjoyed your moment in the spotlight. This is the last thing you will ever say. I have brought to the arena our most violent prisoner!"

The whole crowd broke out into cheers

I realized the king was no longer speaking to me he was putting on a show for the audience

" He has been undefeated since his arrival 6 years ago. Captured in the depth of the unclaimed land he managed to take out a whole army unit by himself."

" In exchange for his life, he fights to the death for our very own entertainment"

At the other end of the arena, doors opened and a large figure left the room. His hair was long and dark, almost as dark as his skin. Despite his darker complexion scars are prominent on his skin.

His body looks as if it were carved out of marble all of his muscles could be seen. Each and every movement or twitch could be observed by those around him.

If I had not been afraid before

The look in his eyes was the final straw. There was no life only a raw emotion called rage

His body was held back using multiple chains and the sound of his breaths could be heard over the screams of the audience

" We have also been working on a strength-enhancing ingredient that will be used on our soldier if proven worthy, so we have quite a show today"

The audience could not hold back their excitement

The doors that were once open around the arena all shut suddenly

The audience began to quiet in anticipation.

I felt my body being lifted by familiar hands kent tried to pull me away but my body remained chained to the floor

" Hey! She's still Chained" kent screamed in desperation

" Ahh yes how could I forget, as a twist got the audience one of our traitors will remain chained. I decided this would be a great gift for our bloody Prince Kai"

My eyes traveled behind the king to a figure seated beside him. The longer I looked the more I noticed that he was here against his will.his body remained as still as stone but I could see in his face he was fighting. His eyes told me everything. He had been subjected to the same poison as me.

For some reason, relief filled my body

Not everyone here believed I was a traitor

Hey Hey Hey!

I told yall I had some chapters saved up

I hope everyone is doing well. 

I heard everyone is starting school again how do yall feel?

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