Skin on Skin

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There are not enough minorities represented in art! If you guys are artist or know any artist that focus on minorities lmk please!

Hey it is me and I wrote this whole chapter to this song and I feel like you can get the full experience if you play this in the background

"Can you feel my heart" Bring Me The Horizon

anyway I hope you enjoy


My body felt as if a bolt of electricity had shot through it. i looked down at the small dragon body by my leg. I didn't know what to do. should i pick it up or maybe just wait and see what it wants to do

The sounds of swords clashing above my head caught my attention.

From the top of the cliff, I could see a single man fighting off hundreds

I looked down and small blue dragons with an opal sheer

Its cool was a contrast to what I felt on my skin

I had to protect it against whatever is upon the cliff.

I looked up towards the sky

It was filled with dark black smoke

I was sure that they destroyed everything in the village

I've heard reports from the general about their past attack leaving nothing but ash.

i though of the village that ive walked through for years. the beautiful wooden homes, the mafrket sellers and their loud voices, and my sister rose.

i know she is in the shelter, but i dont know if she is really safe, what if the building was burnt down to the ground? what if she never actually made it to the shelter. 

a million thoughts ran through my head.

Tears pricked at my eyes

I should have stayed behind to protect Rose

I promised mama that I would be there and now she's gone

Just like the rest of my family

i looked down and the dragon seems to have fallen alseep at my feet. i picked it up and placed its body besides it mother, who spent her last dying breath trying to protect it.

"Stay here I promise I will be back" I placed my forehead against the dragons

It felt almost like second nature

I knew deep in my heart that this dragon

And Whatever its purpose is with me would be worth dying for

I ran back towards the lake with a new purpose

Without wasting a second I used the water to shoot upwards to the top of the cliff

The speed that the water pushed my body with caused my body to fly through the air once I reached the top

Below me, I saw hundreds of men all charging toward and finishing a ball of fire

A man with the same gift as me, the prince 

He used his gift and attacked those around him

Flaming arrows shoot out hitting many soldiers

Those who weren't hit with arrows had half of their body burnt while a burning body swung the fire around like a whip

Not many noticed me flying through the air

As my body came crashing down I pulled some water off my body and formed it into a katana shape

I landed in the river with a huge thud, whater shot up all around my body, i caused quite a commotion

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