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'Hey? Hey Sam? Do you believe in the evolution theory?' Bane was healing strangely well even though he was poisoned with the nightshade stuff. It started yesterday around eight and breathing became a lot easier than.

'No.' Sam muttered looking up a little tired. This was only the hundredth time Bane had started a ridiculous conversation. How he ever was attracted to this guy, he had no clue...

'Why not?'
'Cause why?
'Cause if the univers was created with a bang who the fuck was banging it.'
'I don't know... Loki?' Bane answered with a grin.

Sam stared at him wondering if he was ever dropped as a child.
' never mind then...'
'Why do you even ask this?' He grunted.
'You know just making conversation!'
'Ah... to make time go faster while we are waiting for our inevitable dead?'
'Pretty much yeah!'

The silence could only take so long before Bane was done with it again.
'You know I don't know what happened yesterday but I feel like the magic power stuff they had going for them is gone!'
'So yeah well maybe we could try and escape.'
Sam looked up.
His wrist and ankles were chained with silver chains. Silver did not hurt werewolf's. But it was old stuff from the time people did think that. Sam was the beta of this pack and he hadn't known this was here. This bunker in the middle of the woods.
Kinda felt like something a beta should know about.

'Like now?'
'Yeah maybe!'
'I can't walk now... maybe tomorrow.'
'Sam... not everything is lost yet.'

Sam looked up glaring at the stupid dragon.
'We are in a dungeon. The pack is lost. Alec will have a mark forced upon him by now. Your friends could all be dead! We have no allies and no place to go. How is everything not lost.' The words felt like acid in his mouth. He felt like throwing up. But there was nothing to throw up. He felt like falling down and curling up into a little ball and maybe cry for a while. But he couldn't even move right now,

'Nothing is lost if we are still alive. So get over yourself right now or I swear I will start singing sweet Careline again and you can't stop me this time!' Bane growled back. Making the walls shake by the power of his voice.

It was hard to be hopeful when you felt like an idiot.
He was no beta.
He never was.

He couldn't protect anybody. It didn't even cost his life long friends a single glance his way when they betrayed him just like that. When they stabbed him in the back, like all those years meant nothing.

His Alfa went the dark way down and he didn't feel like getting him back.
He hoped Alec could kill him. He didn't want to be responsible for people who didn't even stand up for themselves. Who cowered away in their houses waiting until someone else saved them.

'Keep your head up beta boy. Cause when this is over your gonna have to get yourself a new pack. A pack that deserves you.'
'Alec already has a beta.'
Bane snorted.
'Kit and James are very much not beta material. He would take you no questions asked. So stop sulking and start thinking of ways to get out of this place.'

'We could blow the place to the ground?' He opted.
Bane grinned with a devious gleam in his eyes.
'Now we're talking!'

Yellow finally again a chapter with my two favorite boys! Also thank you for the views, votes and stuff! I have been editing some mistakes out of the earlier chapters and may have made a couple small changes. Noting that changes the story though just some better grammer and stuff! Well hope you like it! I have some serieus plot fixing to do I am afraid cause I am not sure I am happy with the plot yet lol!

Please comment and vote and let me know how your favorite character is!

Do you guys know the foxhole court? Also known as my favorite series that I just can't stop rereading. Well I am rereading it for the fourth time and I just can't. My babies ! 🥲

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