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He was definitely underdressed. Everyone was wearing either fancy looking ropes or button ups, blazers and dark colored ties. Alec was the only one wearing an sweater, A babyblue one that said "rouge boy" in black letters on the back and a black jogging , no shoes. Because Sil could only do so much to convince him.

Alec did not care even the slightest about this. Even though everyone that was seated at the long dark oaken table kept looking at him.
Sil was seated somewhere in the middle and Alec stood behind him and tried to remain as still as possible. Which was hard because he was never really good at standing still.

And there was this guy who had not stopped looking at him from the moment they had arrived. He had dull brown short hair and dark green eyes. He smelled like a Alpha wolf but he was only a couple of years older than Alec so he didn't understand what the guy was doing at an elder meeting...

There were four elders. All old Alphas of the strongest local packs. So the room reeked of power and it made Alec even more nervous. Then there were Sil and him. The green eyed man, a Guy with a pointy nose, who looked really pissed of and kept glaring at everyone. And a couple of guard wolfs that were standing near the walls of the room. And of course a couple of representatives of the packs law enforcement and the official United Nations Council.

The UNC was for all supernatural creatures. They usually wouldn't bother with a small dispute between an warlock and some wolfs. Unless a small war was brewing. One of the council members that was present was a vampire. And pack law was just there because it was mandatory. The rest all belonged to the local affairs council that every area had.

They had started the meeting with a long list of bullshit that Alec didn't even pretend to listen to. Sil had not told him to pay attention so he didn't think it was necessary.
Until ofcourse they started talking about one of his wolfs.

"Law is the law and it is a crime to keep mates away from each other!" One of the grumpy elders noted. His face looked like he had never smiled a day in his life. Alec tensed up and put his hand on Sil shoulder in support. Something that did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room.

"Fraya came to me. She begged me to protect her from that pig that calls himself her mate. It is my believe a mate should protect and love its other half. Not beat them half to dead and force them to mark." Sils words were ice cold and his magic made the rooms temperature drop instantly.

"You talked her in to those things. I never did any of that!" The angry man yelled as he slammed his fist on the table. Before Sil or anyone else could speak Alec lost his cool.
"Oh really. Then I must have imagined all the cuts and bruises she had when we found her. Or the nightmares that wake her up screaming in the night. Or the fact that since you tried to come and take her back by force, she has been so terrified that she doesn't want the eat, sleep or go outside."

The man growled at him and Alec just glared right back at him. He would not let her go. If they tried he would kill him.
He had promised that he would protect her. And he would keep that promise!

"She is mine."
"No... after you tried to kill her you lost her. And she will remain with us for as long as she would like." Sil didn't sound angry. He was just as calm as always. And there was no doubt in his voice.
"What is your name?" One of the pack law people suddenly asked.
Alec frowned at him.
"Last name? What pack do you belong to?"
"don't have one." He answered both questions at once.

"His name is Alec Darren and he belongs to the Ash Creek pack." The man with the green eyes said.
Alec lifted his eyebrows.
"I do not. I am with Sil. Who the heck are you anyways?"
"I am-.."
"Alec. Do me a small favor and tell me what you know of your past." Sil interrupted the guy. Alec nodded a little confused.
"I came to you in need. I asked for my memories to be gone. So I don't remember anything from before two years ago." He shrugged.
"You... you don't know.... you don't know who I am!?" The man had paled and jumped from his seat. Alec felt a little uncomfortable so he gripped Sil shoulder tight and stood a little closer to him.

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