"They don't know who you are behind closed doors"

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I felt my bed shift in my sleep my room was dark as hell. I knew it was King climbing in bed with me, i looked at the alarm clock that sat on the side of my bed on the end table it read 5:00 am which means I'm gonna be getting up to get the kids ready for school in 15 minutes and this nigga is JUST NOW getting home. Like what does he think this is then he have the nerve to be fully clothed and smelling like pure alcohol. Like if you think I'm a punk bitch just say that dawg. I laid there stiff with out letting him know that I was up and annoyed. At this point two can play this game and I'm ready to play just as hard as he playing. The alarm goes off and he jumps out his sleep and I jump out the bed run down stairs to start breakfast for my children to go to school. I clean my dishes from the night before and mop my kitchen floor as I do every morning. I begin to cook bacon, sausage, eggs waffles. After everything is done I go wake both kids up and tell them to get dressed in the uniform they picked out the night before. Yeah I know I'm that over achiever mom. They sit across from each other in the middle of the table I sit their plates in front of them and begin preparing coffee for my husband because no matter what time he comes in he leaves right after the kids and eats breakfast with them every morning. And like clock work as I was setting his coffee down he was sitting down at one End of the table. I was showered and dressed to impress with the kids i sat at the other end of the table with my coffee fruit and glass of water. I opened a decorating magazine hard as fuck to let it be known I am busy as well and I would be leaving out with everyone else, after I did these nanny interviews at the house today . I felt my husband's eyes on me and inwardly I smiled with glee knowing it was getting under his skin that I wasn't complaining or paying his ass any attention. The normal chatter at the table continued as usual. Him asking the kids what kind of day they were going to have. Making the kids recite positive affirmations as we always did before school. I looked at my watch and seen it was 7 and I hopped up to run the kids out to the bus stop. We stood at the end of our drive way as we did every morning and I waved to my neighbor Nacy her husband was a neurosurgeon. She was cool but she was nice nasty like the rest of these shady bitches in this esteemed neighborhood. I made sure the kids got on the bus safely. I walked back in the house and began to clean off the table and wash dishes without a word or a touch of affection towards my husband like I would usually do the years and months before I got fed the fuck up. At this point he was trying anything to get noticed clearing his throat staring at me, and like he wasnt used to I ignored his ass.
"Aight Mo I'll be back in time for dinner." he said informative. But he was always on time for dinner with me and the kids so I said nothing and continued with my "womans work" around the kitchen. Still I ignored his advance and hit him with a kiss on his left check and a simple
"mhmmm have a good day King." I walked around him headed to the door so I could close and lock it behind him so I could get my nanny screening started, but instead of walk out the door he turned to me and dropped his suitcase and just stared at me like something about my immediate behavior would change. It wouldn't though I am completely fed up and tired of his shit.
"So you gone continue to walk around like nothing's wrong or are you gone tell me the problem?" He asked knowing me all too well, I'm an affectionate person and now I'm not showing no affection. I'm a Nempho and now I wasn't asking for sex or tryna force it on him. I just didnt care anymore i just stared at him with a poker face with nothing more to say. Everything there was to say had been said already so it was literally nothing more to talk about. I was tired of complaining about the same shit he would never change, so I gave him a fake smile dripped in genuine sarcasm when I spewed his way
"what could you be talking about King I have nothing left to say I've been saying the same thing for a whole year and a half if nothing has changed by now there is nothing left to say. You didnt give a fuck then so why act like you give a fuck now." I said still continuing to hold the door open with a smile because I didnt want none of our nosey ass neighbors to think we were fighting. At this point he snatched the door from my hand and closed it and locked the door he undid his tie like he had already had a long day at work mind you the day had just begun. He walked into the living area and took a seat on the sectional I looked at him like he was crazy as hell for wanting to talk now. I WALKED RIGHT PASSED HIS BLACK ASS. Nice trick wrong bitch. I began getting my paper work at the table ready to do my nanny interviews he kicked his feet up on the coffee table crossed them and picked up the remote to the tv and turned it on.
"Ummmm you might have to take that upstairs I'm bout to interview nannies and I need my work space quiet. My first interview starts in 30 minutes I can set you up upstairs if you would like. " I said trying hard not to show any emotion or sign that he was fully aggravating me. He looked at me and smiled, because finally I said said something other than hi and bye.
"interviews for nannies for what?" he asked had he been around he would know I was bored being at home alone all day and I was going back to running my business fulltime. But like i said before hes barely here for me he comes home for the kids and I'm the very last person on his list to do or pay attention to.
"I'm going back to doing hair full time so they are gonna need someone here when they get off of school they will only be with the nanny for 2 to 3 hours after school and I'll be home to cook and put them to bed." I said continuing to get my meeting area refreshments and other things together for my interviews. He looked shocked as I knew he would because now that pushed dinner back and he might not be able to be around. And that was the point if you dont wanna be around JUST DONT BE A-FUCKING-ROUND.
"Damn when was you gonna say something to me and you know 6, 7 is around the time the clubs start to really pop off which means ain't gone be no real family time." he said like there was any real family time now. I felt like a baby momma that just lived in the same house as my baby dad. And that alone made me more annoyed than ever as it was. I rolled my eyes I didnt even justify him with an actual answer or a smart comment. Cause it's like at this point if you dont see nothing wrong with our marriage neither the fuck do I. He got up and wrapped his arms around my waste and dont get me wrong it ALMOST made me melt. I used to love being in my husband's strong arms. Mind you he's 6 foot wrapped in milk chocolate skin sculpted by God to be 230 pounds of pure muscle he kept worked out and exercised on the regular day basis. His skin was smooth and free of any blemishes. He had a perfect set of pearly whites and he always smelled lickable, just down right fine af. He kept his hair tapered on the sides and had hair at the top which gave him a sexy homeboy look. I cant lie my husband is fine and he keep his self up. On the outside he's a turn on but behind closed doors he was cold and inattentive unaffectionate. I was beginning to feel like I was wasting my time in this marriage. I swiped his arms off of me and turned to look at him.
"Can you get out my way please I have things to do." I said trying to move around him. but he wouldnt budge, he put a hand around my neck and lightly squeezed and that's when the water works in my panties started to go. He knew what to do to take me off my game and have me thinking simple thoughts. He kissed my open mouth then my neck, he rubbed down my body grabbed my ass and sat me on the counter where he continued to kiss and lick on my neck and breast, got dammit he had my head spinning I hadn't had sex in months I was ready to get fucked good like only my husband could do. Now dont get me wrong he looked good af on the outside but he wasnt that huge in the dick department at 7 and 1/2 inches he did get the job done, plus he knew all my sweet spots and all the ways to have my kitty purring at his every touch. The knock on the door and the ringing of the bell is what made us jump apart. Whew can you say saved by the damn bell. I moved him around him and my heels clicked towards the door for my first nanny candidate. In walked my a 5'3 hispanic woman dark hair kind eyes you could tell back in her day she was a looker cause she still was. She was older though I could tell, her rich brown complexion doe eyes small pouty lips and beautiful smile brought light into my house. I walked her towards the table after shaking her hand and introducing myself and letting her introduce herself.
" Its nice to meet you Marie this is my husband King he was just leaving." I said as I pushed him towards the door picked up his suitcase that was still by the door handed to him fixed his tie and walked him out the house and locked the door. I had shit to do and his distracting ass had to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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