"That's that shit that drives me crazy"

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          Riding around with my best friend Bianca which was also Whops wife Kings left hand man. I was discussing with her my business plans to return my hair salon with renovations of course. I was starting to feel the need to go back to work and be back into my business. Shit I wasn't getting no attention at home and mufuckas act like I am just the fucking maid. So I set up screening meetings to look for a nanny this week and I'm about to meet with a contractor today which should6nt take that long. I mean the salon still belonged to me, I just hired a manager and took off after I had my twins. I would come in often to check on my business and as always it would be running smooth.
             I'm just ready to get back to doing my clients myself because I'm tired of being the only one in the house with no life. Plus my kids are in first grade this year they pretty much know what to do when they get home. I'm happy my children are well behaved, doesnt have me worried about getting a nanny. I had gotten one before when they were about 3 to go back to work. And I was loosing my shit at work, after a week of trying a nanny i went back home to be with my kids. And not because they were bad with having a nanny. But because i was having panic attacks leaving them with anybody but myself. But now that they've been in school for the past two years and i have no little people I'm running around my big ole house after during the day. I figured it was time to get back in my own bag. And go back to doing what i love which is Slaying peoples hair.
         When I pulled up to The Slayers Hair studio in Fairlawn plaza in Fairlawn, Ohio in my all black Audi with my good friend sitting passenger I seen my contractor already standing in the lobby with one of those big blue print papers rolled in his hand. He didnt have the built of a regular contractor you know those guys that are usually huge lumber jack looking mufuckas. He was tall slender built but you can tell he lifted a lot because his had a nice muscular built in his tank top I seen his beautifully unflawed black skin with a red undertone that made me feel like he might have had some indigenous blood running through the course of his veins  that I could see lining his muscles. He had clear white eyes with brown Iris, that looked like that seen into a soul. His sexy plump lips look like he could massage my pussy something lovely. he was about a good 5'11 long and lanky. He was fine as hell giving you feel of Leon from the 5 heart beats the nigga was SO FINE.
           Whew lord Jesus I am married, and so is he but he got me ready to do a sneaky link i havent had my pussy sucked on in months, let alone fucked until I could do nothing but sleep. This was my second time seeing this man and the first time he flirted with me until my pussy left a puddle in my pants. That's why I brought Bianca with me this time I needed a buffer.
               "Bishop." I said with authority in my voice as I commanded heads to turn as I walked into my building around him stopping in front of him to shake his hand. He smiled when he seen me grabbed my hand looked me in my eyes smiled and kissed it. We shared a long look of lust and I snatched my hand back quickly before anybody else noticed. I heard Bianca mumble mhm.
            "How are you doing today Mrs. Owen's?" he asked  with a bright white smile that would make any woman wet with his crooked smile that looked like his ass was always up to something.
            "I'm fine Mr. Bishop. Thank you for asking this is my bestfriend Bianca she will be sitting in on this meeting." I commanded as I started to head towards my office like the boss bitch I am Bianca took a seat in my lazy boy  in the corner I sat behind my cherry wood desk in my plush chair and he sat in the other plush chair in front of my desk, I put my Gucci framed reading glasses on and I gestured for him to roll out the blue print we had went over weeks before. when he unrolled I was excited to see my renovations I wanted about to come to life in the blue prints I'm building on a spa facility where the ladies could now come in and get their massage done sit in sauna. They could already get their nails and feet done men could come get a hair cut I wanted my shop to be a one stop shop on the road to relaxation. And he got every detail right on paper now I just hoped he got every detail right in real life. Because even though he was fine I did make a 500,000 deposit and sis dont play about her coin we were budgeted out around 3.5 mil and that's ALL I'm tryna spend.
           "Well it looks like you have every detail I asked for on paper but can you deliver in person Mr. Bishop becaude we are talking about a very large coin here." I said with all seriousness because all though he was fine I didnt mind bringing my boss Bitchiness out for anybody when it came to my money. YES MY MONEY my man isnt the only one who knows how to make and flip a coin this salon has been flipping money its self for years this will be my third installment plan. The last one I added was my nail bar and now that I'm adding my spa segment I knew I was gonna be a super hot spot for all the ballers they already supported me tough anyways I was just giving them a new reason to love me.
Bishop looked at me with all seriousness right back I could tell he was a powerful nigga just by the way he never backed down to me. And that shit was so sexy.
              "Mrs. Owens I told you I have you, put your faith in me. When your husband  Mr. Owens referred you he didnt show you the renovations I did to make his night club three stories. I have a man that specializes in wiring, plumbing, and roofing as well as many more talents under me. you can trust us to get the job done." he said looking me right in my eyes. See this is how he was talking to me last time. Mouth saying every professional thing, but his eyes saying I will rip your clothes off and fuck you real crazy on this desk. And the fact that me and King hadn't fucked in 3 months had me almost ready to give up on the toys I've been bring to bed lately. I licked my lips slowly and responded back always the skeptic.
              "I've seen your work, but I'm less laid back than my husband. I dont want this project to take 8 months like it did last time. You said you have a team I want this done in 9 weeks and no later I wanna have the grand opening in 12 weeks. I already ordered all the massage tables, The benches to go in the sauna. You know I already have everything ordered on my end I just need you to tell me when you're gonna knock the wall down so I can give everyone time to make appointments in my home salon so we can still service our clients." I said giving a run down on how I wanted everything to be handled so everything could run smooth business as usual. I was looking him in his eyes never breaking contact when I heard Bianca clear her throat, shit I forgot she was in the room. Damn this man so fine he making me forget there are witnesses here.
               "We can start demolition in two weeks so you guys can get all you affairs in order and my guys can go ahead and get started on working immediately after that. we've already been talking to inspectors and things on our end so we can get this project moving cause you aren't our only project either." he said making me feel and seem as unimportant as I figured I might have made him feel. I read up on his business he hires single fathers and fathers he might have seen struggling on the streets put them through a trade school and grew his construction business. He hires fathers only he also has a program he goes through where he hires felons that are fathers. A real pillar in the community, but the streets talk I also know he is one of the most ruthless drug over lords in our city, but he's never been competition he stays on his side of town and we stay on our. So my husband didnt mind doing business with him so neither did I. We wrapped up our meeting and parted ways. Me and Bianca ended up at BJs brewhouse and restaurants for lunch before I had to drop her back off to her car so we could go get our kids. we order pizza and wings for our table where she let me have it.
               "Girl King would have killed both yall asses if he felt the sexual tension in that room" she said giggling like a school girl B was to be trusted she wasnt the type to go and tell her husband everything we talked about. She has been my friend for years. She was there through my post partum depression when King was first building the strip club he acted like he couldnt be there for me. So I trusted Bianca with my life that was my girl.
                "Girl please King couldnt tell you what sexual tension feels like if it was a murder sitting in a chair across from him. That man isnt paying me no mind." I said half jokingly. He really wasnt paying me no mind or taking care of home or me like he supposed to. I fell it in my soul it's another bitch involved and I'm not here for that shit at all.
                "Damn bitch when the last time he put it down on you?" she asked innocently but still the question pissed me off because shouldnt nobody have to ask me that if my nigga was doing his fucking job
            "Bitch its been three damn months I've been bring a toy to bed and he just roll over and go to sleep and act like he dont hear me or wanna touch me I look the best I've looked in 3 years and the nigga dont wanna touch me. I know its another bitch involved. But this gone be the last time cause I'm leaving his ass this time if I find out about a bitch, I am gonna be done this time cause I'm tired of niggas thinking they can do whatever to me and ima keep sticking around." I said with conviction if King is cheating on me it wont be his first time, but its gonna be his fucking last time because I'm gonna divorce his bitch ass this time. I get tired of being his bestfriend his shoulder to cry on and his backbone just for him to treat me like shit. And as always it's gone be my fault why he cheated some excuse but this time I'm not tryna hear it. He better straighten the fuck up before I cheat the fuck back.
                 " As you should bitch  you gotta make this the last time this nigga does you wrong because every time he cheat he say some bullshit to you and you stay. If he make you feel like you have to cheat back bitch I support that shit cause fuck that shit." She said she was right over the course of 10 years hes cheated 5 times I know of but who knows how many bitches got away with fucking my nigga. the first 3 bitches I neat up but after 4 and 5 I threated to leave he gets his shit together and then it's the same shit over and over again. But not this time this time ima give his ass a dose of his own medicine. And even now I've still never cheated. But I'm starting not to care. I'm tired of begging and reaching out and being the only one putting in effort. I was finally starting to feel like myself again and I'm ready to show my whole ass.
            "Girl he be knowing what he be doing, and that's that shit that drives me crazy. Because he be knowing that he hurting me and his family and he just dont give a fuck. It's like he forgot I have a savage side to me because I havent had to bring it out in a long time. But I'm bout to give him a taste of his own medicine like Queen Naja if he keep playing." I said we talked some more and finished our lunch i dropped her off to her car we separated and got our kids from school. Back home to my miserable life of being alone

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