☆ Few Headcanons ☆

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Hey my Stars!

A couple cute headcanons by our Vice President of the club!! Really good things to keep in mind for writing XD

• After the trials and everything, and when Hugo is living with Varian, Hugo deals with alot of insecurities.
One reason is because he gains a little weight. Healthy weight tho so he's not a toothpick.

Because Hugo always had to steal and run his whole life, Constant food was never a option so he was starved most his life.
So now that he has the right amount of food, he feels self conscious about his new found weight and is worried about what Varian will think.
Varian will always come up to him and hug him and let him know he is perfect no matter what or how he looks

• Hugo let's Varian see sides of him he has always tried to hide.

He had always been touch starved, so he gets really clingy sometimes.
Or he'll get so overwhelmed with how much he loves Varian he'll hug him and smother Varian in Kisses randomly.

Or he'll want to snuggle or just hold his hand.

He also is super emotional and laid back now that he isn't fighting for his life on the streets 24/7.
Yes he still can kick ass and be all tough, but with Varian, Varian shows him that it's ok to be emotional and still be that strong person.

He is also not a morning person at all.

• Varian sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares or he even had night terrors.
About past events like the amber and how he's afraid of everyone leaving him again and stuff.

And Hugo is always right there, to hold him close as he just breaks down, rubbing circles on his back and whispering comforting words to him.
Letting Varian know Hugo is there and won't ever leave him.

If you've got any headcanons my fellow club members feel free to DM them to me so I can put them in the book!!

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