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After avoiding execution from a false accusation by the government, life sends another problem their way as an important item has been stolen by a mysterious foe that no one knows about until now. After the events of the theft, Y/n was left unconscious by the thief before the man vanishes into the woods. With the situation now in motion, what will Y/n do in this situation?


Inside the mansion of the group, they were all seen huddling around the living room as the cold air blew into the dimly lit room. They shivered at the cold touch of the wind as Aqua sneezes from the cold. Kazuma was squatting in a corner as he shivered his butt off while observing everyone's depressing states. But someone seems to be missing as Y/n was not seen with them. Well, that's because the boy had locked himself inside of his room as he sulked in the corner of the room while being in a fetal position.


Aqua sneezes again as a little dribble of snot rolls down from her nose before she sucks it back in.

Aqua: cold..... I'm so cold...

She mutters as she continues to shiver. As the room grew silent once more, that silence was broken again by Kazuma screaming out of nowhere as he clutches his head with both hands while he flails his legs up and down like a kid having a temper tantrum.

Aqua: w-w- what the!? whats wrong with you!!?

Aqua inquires as she gets startled by Kazuma's apparent screaming.

Kazuma: this is the worst! First, Darkness went to deal with the lord but didn't come back! Second, we got our stuff taken for compensation for said lord! And third, the only person that could carry us through this winter has locked himself inside his room, depressed!! GAAH!!!

Kazuma rants before finishing it off with another scream of frustration as he starts pulling on his hair again to further accentuate his frustration. Fortunately, Kazuma's screaming was cut short as Megumin and Emerald into the scene with Megumin holding a black cat with a cross on its forehead with tiny wings on its back, and Emerald who had brought Snowy with him when he and Megumin went out. The cat meows, catching both Aqua and Kazuma's attention.

Kazuma: what's with the cat Megumin?

Kazuma asks as he didn't expect her to bring home a stray cat.

Megumin: w-well.... I doubt she'll cause much trouble, so....

She stutters with her words as she tries to convey her intentions of keeping the cat. Kazuma approaches her before responding.

Kazuma: you wanna keep her?

The boy says as Megumin subtly nods her head up and down as she lets Kazuma pet the cat.

Megumin: I-is that alright?

She asks as Kazuma went to think about it while Aqua tried to pet the cat, only for it to scratch her hand away.

Aqua: Hey! Why'd she scratch me!?

Aqua exclaims as she looked at the cat who was hissing at her.

Aqua: unbelievable! Between jet black fur and the imperious attitude, I can sense some sort of malevolent aura!

Aqua says while having some sort of staring contest between the cat and her.

Emerald: or maybe... it just doesn't like you?

Emerald poses her point to which Aqua responds.

Aqua: Preposterous! So, what do you call this demonic beast?

a WEEB goes adventuring: a Konosuba x Malereader story S2Where stories live. Discover now