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It was now time for questioning as already, Sena threw a bit of a curve ball at them.

Sena: First of all. Where are you two from, and what did you do before becoming an adventurer?

Both boys nervously looked at each other as they both, somehow, telepathically talked to each other through their minds.

Y/n: 'the hell do we do?'

Kazuma: 'well, they're just going to know anyways with that lie detector on us. Might as well just break it to her.'

Y/n: 'alright.'

They thought to each other before looking back at Sena who was still waiting or their response.

Kazuma: well, to start. I'm from-

As Kazuma was about to put in his say, he was cut off by Y/n who was now talking about himself in great.... detail.

Y/n: I came from (your preferred place) and moved to Japan at the age of 16. I went and lived there expecting to have a grand life watching anime and hopefully find love. But that was short lived since I now understood the importance of being bilingual. So to solve that problem I decided to have myself enroll in school. I failed. Miserably. So I decided to drop out and rely on my family for financial support. I kinda Lied to them about still being in school since I was afraid of them disowning me on the spot. For some reason, there was one time in my life where I was in a dark state of mind and that caused me to wear breast pads and cosplay as my waifu's to satiate my need for affection. Thankfully I got out of it and lived my life as a recluse. Using anime as an escape from my depressing reality and my self destructing actions. Then I died from a terrorist attack, got reincarnated. and now we are here.

Everyone sat in silence as they processed his words about his life story.

Kazuma: ...... so that's why you wore breast pads.

Y/n: and that was the reason why I didn't want to talk about it.

Y/n reinstated as Kazuma finally knew the reason why he was withholding the reason why he wore breast pads instead of saying it was just a "phase".

Sena: I-I see... well, thank for that. It seems that, that was the truth since the bell didn't ring out during all.... of that.

Sena says in a nervous tone as she didn't understand most of what he said, but still took it as truth since the bell deemed it so.

Sena: well, now that he's finished with his answer. How about you Satou Kazuma? What's yours.

She was now asking Kazuma who nervously gulped and thought about what he was gonna say.

Kazuma: w-well... I'm from Japan. Just like him...

He starts as he glanced at the bell to see if it would ring. Fortunately it didn't. he then continues.

Kazuma: and, I was a student there-

Suddenly, the bell rang out as it detected a lie from him.

Y/n: why'd it go off? Did you lie?

The boy asked him. To which he replies.

Kazuma: I don't know!

Sena then reiterates her question for them.

Sena: I said, where are you from, and what did you do there.

As she said that, the two boys then heard loud scratches of a pen on paper as the glanced behind them to see a man writing everything they were saying for the records.

Kazuma: o-okay, for the records. I wasn't lying!

Kazuma states as a matter of fact. But to the bell, it wasn't as it rang once more to his Lies. Y/n looked at him with a confused yet disappointed expression. Kazuma dips his head down knowing he cannot twist the truth anymore.

a WEEB goes adventuring: a Konosuba x Malereader story S2Where stories live. Discover now