Q&A Special [Part 2]

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[Clown music resumes with a flourish]


Welcome back, dear readers, for the second part of our crack Q&A session!
[Characters cheer again; Ryder rolls his eyes]

That was a really long 3-month commercial break, I know. But here we are! [sudden shift in ambience] Let us rejoice. Let us cheer. Let us wipe the sweat from our foreheads and blood from our weapons. We have done it. The landscape litters with bodies of the deceased, and the sky is red, reflecting the wreckage below. Let us hug one another, even if the Second End is nigh. Let us be glad for this short period of time, where we still have each other. Let. Us.

[resume clown music] And now... Questions for Mae!


Yay me! (whoops excitedly)


Apparently, someone wants to be your friend because honestly your energy is 1000


[laughs] Obviously.
[doesn't elaborate on that]


Alright, uh, here's a question for you: What's your top 3 favourite yaoi?


I've read a lot and 90% of them aren't suitable for the general public to know of. So I'll give the 'less hardcore' ones, I guess: 1.Given, 2.Unintentional Love Story, 3.Kizukanai!


I read this one (1) yaoi - which had only two chapters last time I checked - and, man, it's smutty as hell. I don't know whether I enjoyed that or felt really uncomfortable (I think I'm somewhere in the middle.) Not saying that I hate smuts, though. Even as an asexual person, I am allowed to enjoy whatever I want.

Anyway, what are your top 3 anime too?


First, Given (yes, both the anime and manga). Secondly, Attack on Titan, because hot men and women! And third favourite? I can't choose between Cowboy Bebop, Hetalia, Mob Psycho, Yu Yu Hakusho, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. I think they fit into the 'Third Favourite' category anyway. No, wait, I think they all fit in the 'First Favourite'.


Attack on Titan women are DAMN HOT.


In all honesty, I haven't watched/read AOT because of time constraints and limited attention span, so I've been listening to hella gay horror fiction audio drama podcasts instead (cough) The Magnus Archives (cough) Welcome to Night Vale (cough) the others I haven't listened to.

Enough about me, only Mae! What's your special interest and/or hobby?


[very excited] Anything from the 20th century, especially the 60s to the 90s! I love their fashion, magazines and slang! I collect lots of 70s movie posters, 80s magazines, and I even have an antique typewriter in my room! Also, I want to bring back 90s slang because they sound so rad. Though my fashion now is the remnants of my 7th grade goth/punk phase, my room tells a whole different story.

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