Chapter 31

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“You snogged Nathan?!” Nick spits out his drink, the disgusting concoction of bubble tea and his spit landing on my arm.

I scowl and wipe my arm. “I didn’t 'snog' him; I just kissed him,” I say.

He shrugs. “Same difference.”

Sin nudges him. “You lost. Now, where’s my money?”

Nick groans and fishes out some dollar notes from his wallet, giving them reluctantly to a grinning Sin. I narrow my eyes at them. “Were you guys betting on whether I’ll kiss Nathan?”

They both nod shamelessly. “Ever since we saw you hanging out with him during recess. Also, I saw you two walking in the field behind the art storage room and you were leaning close to him, so I assumed,” Nick says and I roll my eyes. What a bunch of friends I have. Then Nick pouts. “Look at all of you lovebirds! I’m gonna die lonely!” he wails dramatically.

“You can get together with Mae, I guess,” I say.

“Yeah, sure, let me ask her 173 husbandos and waifus real quick.” He scoffs. “And by the way, I only see her as a bro and she sees me as a bro, too. See?” He gestures vaguely. “Perfectly platonic bros.”

“Bros in love,” Sin stage-whispers, earning an eye roll from Nick.

“Oh shut up.” Nick sighs. “Not everything has to be love immediately or eventually.”

I raise my bubble tea drink in agreement. “True, true.”

Then, Sin’s phone dings. “Oh shit, I gotta run,” he gasps, standing up.

“What happened?” I ask.

He downs the rest of his drink in one gulp. “Vahn’s picking me up in a bit. We’re going somewhere.”

Nick rests his chin on his hand. “Okay, I’m scared to ask this but what are you both doing?”

Sin looks at him seriously. “What else? I’m going to pound his ass on the matt- ”

Nick and I give a collective groan. “Oh god,” I grumble, shuddering from the ghastly memory. “Don’t fucking remind us of that.”

Beside me, Nick swears under his breath, “I shouldn’t have bloody asked, damn it.”

Sin gives us a shit-eating grin and ruffles both our hairs. “Just kidding, we’re going to catch a movie,” he says as he’s leaving. “Bye, guys!” And then he skips away.

“So . . . he’s gone,” I say.

Nick shrugs in response and we drink in silence. A few seconds later, he spits out his drink for the second time today. And on my fucking arm again. I wipe my arm and roll my eyes. What now?

He coughs for a while, then he whispers conspiratorially to me, “Bro, was I tripping, or were Sin’s eyes hazel, not crimson?”


I’m so bored, and my edgy-ass playlist isn’t helping. I’m currently lying stomach-down on my bed with music blasting in the background. This is my daily after-school routine, but, god, it’s so boring! Normally, I’d have someone here to keep me company some days but they’re either busy or too tired, so I’m just sulking on my own.

Plus, a mean cupid probably infiltrated my playlist because some sappy 80’s love song starts playing. Ugh, songs like this remind me a lot of Nathan, and it’s making me feel lonely again (even though I just saw him today at school).

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