Chapter 21

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I awoke to rumbling, to sirens. Bleddyn and I both jerked awake from the explosion that decimated my laboratory. It was jarring, not drifting awake in each other's arms like we had wished to be, but to be shaken awake by the rumble of an explosion and the wails of sirens shortly after were-- well-- it was absolutely terrifying.

Bleddyn was right next to me, he looked alarmed. "What the hell was that?" he asked as we just looked at one another.

"I have no idea." My phone was already buzzing with updates. "Hey, B," I shifted my torso so he could look over my shoulder, "I think something on campus was blown up."

"Do you mean like an accident or like a terrorist act?"

"I mean look," I showed him the video that the local news outlet had been playing. It was security camera footage from last night spliced with current footage of the decimated building.

"Isn't that--" Bleddyn didn't even need to finish his sentence before I confirmed that it was indeed the building in which my laboratory was located. "Do you think it was an accident?"

"Hell no." I couldn't tear my eyes from the screen. "It was planned. There was nothing in the upper parts of the building that could have done something this catastrophic. The only thing was my lab below. Look how the building is positioned now, it's collapsing in on itself, the foundation was demolished."

"I know how buildings can collapse, Babe, I am taking an ancient architecture class right now. What exactly could have done that much damage though?"

"The prototype. That's what."

"That means, it had to be N.E.L.O.S. right?"

My hesitation did not miss him. "I can't completely be sure of it, but they are high on the suspect list."

"This just in," the reporter announced, drawing our attention back to my phone, "two people have just been confirmed to be injured, but no deaths have been reported as of yet. . ."

"Shit," Bleddyn breathes, matching my gaze as silence settles between us.

"Is there any possible way," I speak up, "that someone followed us back from Chloe's rescue?"

"No, I was on high alert for tailings." Bleddyn shuddered. "What about your lab staff, would anyone want to--"

"Hell no. This was our job. We'd never destroy that." It pained me to try imagining any of my fellow people of science completely obliterating what we have dedicated our lives to.

We had both gotten out of my bed by this point, instead opting for my computer screen and the couch. The clock read 3:26 AM.

Lex was very much awake after the explosion and had his own questions which Bleddyn took care of as I made us coffee. My phone was buzzing with questions from my coworkers and employees.

Allie: E? Have u seen the news????? RU SAFE?

Unknown: 256 Eastland Drive, Washington D.C., 1:00 pm. There will be a car to pick you up in approximately 7 hours.

James: Congrats on the promotion ;p

I dropped my phone. "It was Them."


Elliot's face was what worried me. My brain could not quite process what he was telling me. Something about Washington D.C.

He hadn't stopped pacing his living room in over five minutes, effectively freaking me out. I stood from the couch and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him from his nearly mindless fretting. "Hey," I said, attempting to keep my voice calm and collected, "let's take this one thing at a time. Breathe with me." I paused, waiting for him to meet my gaze. "We have confirmed that this is N.E.L.O.S., so why can't we just end it now? Why can't we just take it down while at the heart."

"Bleddyn, this is a top-secret society of evil scientists plotting to take over the world. We cannot take them down in a matter of hours." His eyes were etched with worry as I brushed his jaw with my thumb.

"I mean, the Avengers did it. Why can't we?" It was half in humor, but Elliot looked at me with a sudden sense of urgency.

"Are you being serious right now?" His voice was dark, calculating, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Yes, I think we can." I confirmed before Elliot took out his phone. He called Allie and I couldn't help but listen to the conversation.

"It was N.E.L.O.S. who blew up the lab. They want me to report to the D.C. HQ by 1 pm." Silence. "Allie, listen to me. I know you. I know you've been debating this shit for years now, you're a good person, and Bleddyn and I think there's a chance we can start the end now."

I did hear the next part. Allie has quite a vivid vocabulary. But by the end of the conversation, I could tell a plan was being formed. Honestly, it would probably be best if I weren't in charge of it.

"We'll meet you at your place in 10 minutes. Will you have it all ready?" Elliot nodded and hung up. "I hate to be this person, but we need to find our clothes."

Holy shit I totally forgot we might be basically half naked in his living room.

"Is Allie going to help us?"

"Even better, Allie has a plan fully formed. Apparently this is a familial rebellion thing that has been in the works for years now," Elliot said while he began putting on a black button-up.

"A plan is always a good thing."

"Especially when it seems to be full-proof."

Ten minutes later the scientist opened her door and ushered us into the apartment. When the door was secured behind me, she led us to her bedroom where she began explaining her plan.

"I've been planning a revolution for years. Now, Elliot, you have a perfect opening. They gave you an invitation to the main nest, all you have to do is get to the head. If we take her out, everything else will collapse."

"How do you know they dont' have contingencies?" Elliot asked.

"Because the CEO of N.E.L.O.S. thinks she is unstoppable. I should know, I grew up with her. My sister has a major god-complex and doesn't trust anyone else enough to ever want to share the power of a major evil incorporation."

"Holy fuck," Elliot and I say simultaneously.

"So it really is a family rebellion," Elliot muttered under his breath. "And so how exactly am I supposed to kill this chick?"

"Tara's control issues are her weakness. No one is truly loyal to her. She rules by fear. If you can buy us time, I can get a good number of guards to rebel. I already have a few group chats." This is really taking sororicide to the next level.

"How exactly do you expect this to work? Our lab was blown up, we don't have any weapons."

Allie laughed and hit the side of her dresser. A secret entrance appeared. "Elliot, you aren't the only one with secrets. Welcome to the lair of the Black Cat."

Elliot and I looked at each other confused.

"You have got to be kidding me. Black Cat. The superhero. We literally have worked together before, Erebus."

I scratched the back of my head, "Sorry, I guess I was a little distracted."

She signed. "The world is doomed."

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