Chapter 17

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Nearly 24 hours later, we passed by the welcome sign to our town. Bleddyn had fallen asleep soon after dressing my wound yesterday, Chloe followed soon after, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The pain was not the only thing that kept my senses elated. For the duration of the eight hours my two friends spent asleep, my mind was processing everything that had happened this week. The orders from Boss, James's appearance, Chloe's kidnapping, our escape was connected. James had gone up in N.E.L.O.S. far faster than I had originally anticipated while we had been together, and one could only assume he was working directly for the Boss now. With him showing up and our funding being threatened, I was already on edge and more importantly distracted when everything with Chloe went down.

Something was missing.

But what?

I knew exactly what I had to do: get to my apartment.

When Bleddyn and Chloe awoke, I avoided eye-contact and chugged three cups of piss coffee from the hotel.

Bleddyn had been eyeing me worriedly from behind the wheel the entire drive and protested profusely when I instructed him to drop me off at my place. I told him I needed to check on Lex and I would try to meet up with him after I had a shower.

"I still don't think you should be alone, Elliot," Bleddyn said, as I got out of the car.

"Don't worry about me, I have a lot of work to do, you know evil genius stuff." My laugh was curt and most likely made Bleddyn worry more, but I didn't have time for that. Still holding my side, I entered my apartment building.

I knew something was wrong the minute I unlocked the door. For one thing, Lex purred.

"Oh look who's finally home." My back straightened, recognizing James's voice.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, walking over to the kitchenette.

"Come on," James said, plopping down onto the couch, "I know you're happy to see me." I sent the Irish man a glare.

"I'm too tired to play your games right now, so it would be amazing if you left my house."

"You don't even want to have some fun?" he walked over to the counter and leaned over. "Just like old times."

I pushed him, "Get out of my house you pig." He sighed and pushed himself off the counter.

"Maybe next time then."

"You wish." And he was out the door. Lex still purred.

He bugged the place then.

I didn't say a word, I was too tired to; instead, I jumped into the shower and slowly washed all the blood and sweat off my sore body. After throwing on new clothes, I checked my phone.

Three new messages from Allie

3 hours ago: El, where are you?

30 minutes ago: The Boss called, E. call me asap!

10 minutes ago: You need to get here now.

I pulled on my coat and gave Lex the "I think the world may end soon" look and ran out the door.


Even though classes had finished, I still found myself on campus after I dropped Chloe off at her place. I told myself I wanted to do research or start prepping for next semester or just get out of my apartment, but I knew the real reason for wandering the nearly empty campus: Elliot.

He had left in such a hurry earlier, hadn't even made eye contact with me since yesterday night. Had I messed up? Did I do something? He had looked so tired when he thought I was not looking, tired and worried.

We had found Chloe. We had dealt with the bad guys. Why was he still so worried?

Maybe I was trying to distract myself from thinking about the man I loved on that walk but when I saw that glimpse of white hair running across the campus, towards the Chemistry building, I knew I had to follow.

I peered through the glass door and watched as Elliot quickly entered the elevator. I rushed inside just as the doors closed. I trusted Elliot, I really did.

Should I? Probably not. He is kinda the definition of someone not to trust, but I do.

Then why did I sneak? Because I was curious and a human (and pretty sure I'm not supposed to be here).

The elevator arrow pointed down for a split second, then pointed up. Weird.

"Hey?" I jumped out of my skin at the voice from behind me. I turn and see a student obviously rushed, "Are you the new Chemistry intern? Doctor Veal said you'd be coming in soon."

"Uh," I said, trying to think of what to say, "yeah, that's me."

"Well you better grab a lab coat when you get down to the lab, the Doctors will kill you if you don't have proper equipment. You have your ID on you?"

"No, sorry," I say, internally being ready to just go along with anything this guy says, "Left if at the apartment, first day jitters and all that, you know."

The elevator opened, "Well you can catch a ride with me this time. Don't let it happen too often though or you'll be out of a job."

We both awkwardly laugh and get into the elevator, "Um, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

I eyed how he swiped his ID card and then pressed the button for the lower basement. When the doors swung shut I realized I might have just made a horrible decision.

After the creepy long hallway, the other person helped the door open for me to enter the lab, and when I entered I knew that I had truly made a horrible decision because amongst the bustle of a lab, in the very center was Elliot, my Elliot, giving orders in a lab coat with the letters N-E-L-O-S written on the lapel.

And when he looked up and made eye-contact with me, his face was suddenly plastered with fear. 

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