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The day came and went, and Lance found that it wasn't as bad as he was sure it would have been if Keith wasn't there. Keith somehow managed to take the stress from Lance's shoulders, even after finding out his mentor and guide had died. By the end of it, Zeno and him had a plan, and he was more or less ready to focus on getting Garnet out of the way so he could figure out what happened to Raven. 

"We're going to be leaving for Hifosa in an hour, who wants to come?" Lance asked the group. He finally managed to round them all up into one area, but it was difficult to do when Pidge was practically attached to the call center where she was calling her father, Hunk was arguing with some of the mechanics,  Allura was speaking to a variety of different aliens, and Shiro was attached to Garnets hip. It disturbed Lance how close Shiro and Adam were again.  

"I wanna go with you! I want to learn more about Zeno and his people!" Hunk shouted, Pidge nodding her head violently too. 

"I'd like to see what Hifosa is like as well," Allura smiled. 

"We're a team, I think we should stick together," Shiro added in. 

"Where you go, I go," Keith nudged his arm with Lance's. Lance let out a sigh at all of their responses. 

"Great, the meeting shouldn't take long, but-" 

"Lance Charles McClain!" A shout came from behind him. Lance's back tensed. He stood rigid, like he would if Commander Iverson were speaking to him in the Garrison, though, there was more fear on his face now. 

"Ma'am!" Lance shouted, turning to face the angry woman who was storming up to him. She grabbed him by the ear and lowered him to her level. 

"I don't give a damn if you're the general, I'll kick your ass if you ignore us again, do you hear me, boy?" She asked. 

"Yes Ma'am" Lance responded dutifully. She finally released his ear, causing him to rub the, now red, spot that was left behind. 

"You're brother is also going to kick your ass. You've been back for 2 days and you didn't even stop by yesterday!" She continued to shout. 

"M-Miss McClain?" Hunk asked nervously, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly hanging open. They all watched as the woman's demeanor changed. Her face softened into shock as she looked at Hunk, the anger completely gone and her strict features morphing into kindness. 

"Hunk? What are you doing here?" She sent a glare towards Lance who was still rubbing his ear. 

"He knows, Ma," Lance "filled in". Her anger was back, this time fully renewed. 

"What the hell do you mean "He knows" Why would you bring him here? Are you stupid, boy?" She asked, whacking him hard in the arm. 

"It was the only option, and he was already a Paladin of Voltron," Lance shrugged. 

"And whose fault was that?" She asked. Lance shrunk back, knowing if he hadn't forced Hunk to sneak out with him then Hunk would have never left Earth. The woman rushed over to Hunk, wrapping her arms around his big shoulders. Hunk hugged her back immediately. 

"Everyone, meet my mother, mother, meet Voltron," Lance introduced. 

"This is your agent mother?" Pidge asked as she was also given a hug from the mean lady. 

"Yes, she took care of me and my siblings while we were being trained and until we get our room in the base," Lance explained. 

"What was your childhood like?" Keith asked. 

"His childhood was fine, I'm a good mother," Ms. McClain said as she hugged Keith too, who hesitantly hugged her back. 

"I had an agent childhood, full of Marco throwing knives at me when he was angry, Veronica occasionally blowing up the house while she tinkered with her latest device, Luis coming home with blood pouring out of his gut, and Rachel trying to kill all of us with her cooking," Lance smiled. 

"Wait, did you believe in Santa?" Hunk asked with wide eyes. Lance turned to look at his mom. 

"Did I believe in Santa?" he asked her, clearly already knowing the answer. 

"What the hell is a Santa?" She asked. Hunk's face turned pale. 

"Oh, buddy! That's awful," He cried. Lance simply shrugged. He turned back to his mom. 

"We're leaving for Hifosa soon, I plan on having a meeting with the Planetarian leaders," Lance filled her in. 

"Lance Charles McClain, if you leave this planet without seeing your siblings they will never find your body," Ms. McClain threatened. Lance pursed his lips as he thought. 

"Fine, we'll push our takeoff back to 3 hours. I'll visit you guys before leaving," Lance decided. Ms. McClain stared into Lance's face for a minute before cupping his cheeks in her hands. 

"Are you alright, Mijo?" She asked gently. 

"I'm fine, Mama," Lance reassured. She gave him a soft smile. Keith felt like reminding everyone of the stab wound Lance got from Brick but decided against it. He saw this woman angry, he didn't want to promote anything. 

"Your brother was a good man, he is missed dearly, but you can't keep hiding from us," She told him. Keith bit back the face he knew he was about to make. Good man his ass. 

"Is Veronica home yet?" Lance changed the topic. 

"Yes, she is. Once we heard you were back we've been home waiting. Even Marco was anxious to see you," 

"I don't see how that's possible," Lance muttered under his breath. Ms. McClain slapped his cheek with one of the hands that were still resting on his face. 

"Knock that out. He's not as angry as he was before," She glared. 

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll come see you once I get the lions set up," Lance promised. Ms. McClain seemed happy with that as she stepped away from him and gave Hunk another hug. As she walked off Lance let out a breath and slumped over slightly. 

"Damn it," He muttered. 

"Come on, Lance. It's your family," Hunk frowned, giving him a light glare for trying to get out of seeing them again. 

"You don't know my family as I do. Marco's going to stab me," Lance whined. 

"It can't be that bad," Keith frowned. 

"Just for that comment you're coming with me," Lance decided. Keith blanched at him. 

"What?" He asked once his brain fully wrapped around what he said. 

"You get to see first hand what my family's like. Where I go, you go, right?" Lance raised an eyebrow at him, almost like he was daring Keith to decline. 

"But, don't you need some time with your family?" Keith asked. 

"What I need is more witnesses for when Marco inevitably kills me," 

"You're being dramatic," Hunk sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Marco is just moody, he's not a killer," Hunk seemed to pause after he said that, realizing that everyone in Lance's family are agents and probably are killers. 

"Marco is part of Rank 3, so technically you're right, but he still deals with criminals every day, and he's been practicing throwing knives since he was 5 so I'm not exactly confident in his ability to hold back once he sees me," Lance explained. "If you see Zeno, tell him where I am, but otherwise you all can get ready to leave. Remember what I said about wandering off and talking to agents," Lance pointed a finger at each of them before grabbing Keith's arm and dragging him off. 

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