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Some of your questions from the last chapter will be answered in this one ;)

They packed the Castle of Lions, giving Zeno and Brick a place to stay while they traveled across the universe to Earth. It would take about 2 days to get there, and the other Paladins were determined to know more about Lance in that time. 

"So you went to the Garrison to get your pilot's license?" Pidge asked. 

"Nah, I got that when I was 10," Lance said. "I was at the garrison for a mission," 

"10! But you were always so bad at flying!" Hunk cried out. 

"I'm actually not as reckless when flying, but my speed and maneuvering are the same. I've never been the best, but I love it," Lance shrugged. 

"Do I out-fly you?" Brick asked. 

"Big-time," Lance smiled. Zeno walked in with a bunch of drinks in his hand, half of them were alcoholic while the rest were soft drinks. "Fuck yeah! Gimme!" Lance made grabby hands for the alcohol. 

"Blue, you're underage," Shiro reminded, taking a beer from Zeno. 

"I'm 21!" Lance cried out, prying a shot glass and vodka bottle from Zeno's arms. 

"Wait, you're not 18?" Allura asked. 

"Nope," Lance popped the 'p'. 

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Pidge yelled. 

"Never came up," 

"Hunk, you don't seem surprised," Keith pointed out. 

"Because I already knew, he said he was older when we first met, and I celebrated his 21's birthday with him," Hunk smiled. Lance raised the glass to him before downing the vodka. 

"I hope you get drunk, you're so much better when intoxicated," Zeno laughed, getting the middle finger from Lance. 

"Hey Brick, what's your real name?" Pidge asked the boy. He looked over to Lance who nodded his head. 

"Aiden," Brick smiled. 

"That's a nice name," Hunk smiled brightly. Lance lifted his shot glass to his lips to hide his smirk. 

"Oh, Blue! I got a paper from Garnet today. He wants me to sign it," Aiden said, turning to the senior agent. Lance choked on his drink. 

"What? Tell me you didn't sign it!" Lance put his cup down and leaned forward. 

"No! I know you want to look at all documents before I sign them," Aiden said quickly, causing Lance to relax slightly. 

"What is it for?" Lance asked. 

"He wants to give me a mission but I have to sign the waiver first," 

"Bullshit, he's up to something, let me see it," Lance waved his hand. Brick rushed out of the room to retrieve the document. Lance ran a hand through his hair, clearly stressed out. 

When Aiden came back, he had a white paper in his hands. he gave it to Lance first, letting him read it through before his eyes caught on something. He sighed and handed the paper to Zeno. 

"Damn, it's a good thing you didn't sign this," Zeno muttered quietly. 

"Why? I didn't see anything wrong with it," Aiden asked. Zeno looked to Lance. 

"It's your call, Blue," Zeno sighed, handing the paper back. Lance glanced around the room at all his friends staring at him, but Brick looked most concerned. 

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