Chapter 20

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"Today you and a partner will be going against a teacher," Aizawa explained," I have already chosen your partner and who you will go against. You can win this fight by either escaping or trapping the teacher with this tape."

"The goal of this test is to see if you have the right judgment of a hero and can work well with others," All Might continued," If you can not tell in a battle if your opponent is overpowered then you will not succeed and if you can not work well with others in a crisis it will not end well."

We all nodded," You will now be given a partner."

My partner ended up being Shoto and Momo. I'm not totally surprised I got put with Shoto but Momo. We don't even talk to each other. We ended up being the first one's and we're going up against Mr. Aizawa. This is going to be so fun. 

We walked into the area we would be fighting. It looked like a residential area. Almost immediately Shoto took control of the situation setting up a plan. It was a pretty good one not gonna lie, but it looked like Momo had something to say. We walked down the alleyways with Shoto and I in the front with Momo behind us. 

She is constantly making small items so when Aizawa cancels out our quirks we would know he was close. We walked onto a four-way street stopping to look around. That's when he attacked. I jumped out of the way making sure I didn't get caught. Momo was already running in the opposite direction which I followed. 

I could have sworn Shoto was right behind us. We ran for a while until we knew we were a good enough distance from them. I was breathing hard along with Momo. We took a minute to both catch our breathe. 

"Looks like it will just be us for now," I said finally catching my breathe looking back from where we ran. 

"Yeah," Momo agreed looking around nervously. 

"Did you have a plan that could work," I asked looking back at her. 

"Uh yeah," She said telling me her plan. 

She's clearly not as confident as she used to be. We were heading back towards where Shoto was. We were to slip in different directions to keep Aizawa distracted. I constantly had small flames an my hand to know when Aizawa canceled our quirks. 

We got to Shoto and saw him hanging from a light post. Momo kicked away the spikes and I cut him down," Shoto we have a plan that should succeed."

I told him the plan he agreed. We all ran in the same direction trying to find where Aizawa could be hiding. The flames on my hand disappeared and I ran down a different street. I know that Shoto noticed me leave. I saw Aizawa going from rooftop to rooftop. He was still heading towards those two. 

I followed closely behind him careful not to catch his attention. I was just waiting for the signal. Aizawa disappeared from the top of the rooftops and I hid behind one of the houses waiting. I heard some yelling and that's when I heard the signal. 

I jumped out from behind the wall quickly heading towards them. Shoto had already set his flames out and Momo was getting the canon ready. She shot it off and Aizawa lost balance. I took this moment and grabbed one of his arms wrapping the tape around his wrist. 

He looked proud and a little shocked. I high fived Momo and Shoto patted my head. We passed the test. I slowly caught my breathe as we got to the exit. Everyone was waiting for us. Aizawa walked ahead to the other teachers and I went over to Denki, Kirishima, and Mina. 

"Great job Y/n," Denki and Kirishima jumped up excitedly. 

"So manly Y/n," Kirishima said patting me on the back. 

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