Chapter 2

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First week of school over. I haven't made friends with anyone yet. I mainly just talk to Shoto, though I have successfully already made one enemy. Katsuki Bakugou or as I like to call him boom boom boy. We have gotten into a few arguments that Mr. Aizawa had to stop.

"Y/n get up already! It's time to train,"Endeavor yells banging on my door.

(We're gonna switch from calling endeavor father to calling him endeavor)

I sigh getting up. It's not even training anymore for me. I'm just forced to 'help' Shoto. I put on a sports bra and leggins and head to the training room. Endeavor already looks like he's in a bad mood. Wonderful, time for this to be a living hell.

~Time skip~

I was right, I think as I lay on the floor panting.

I'm littered with new cuts and bruises and ready to throw up. I get pulled up ruffly making me wince slightly. I regret that immediately. A hard slap meets the back of my head.

"Weak. Now make yourself useful for once and go get my lunch made," he throws me out of the room and slams the door closed.

Guess it's time for their private training. I grab the pans out making Endeavors meal. He leaves for work right after training, which I see as a blessing. I finish right on time giving him his food as he leaves. No thank you, bye, or I love you's. He just leaves. I collapse on my bed exhausted.

"Hey N/n you okay?" Fuyumi asks opening the door.

I sit up and give her a small smile,"Yeah, I'm okay."

She closes the door and I flop back down. Maybe I should go out today. Do something fun with my life. I get out of bed and grab my clothes heading to the bathroom. I take a quick shower washing off all the sweat. I have a nice cut going up my arm and bruises scattered on my stomach and where Endeavor grabbed me earlier. I dry myself off. I throw my h/l in a ponytail and put on my clothes. Perfect. I grab my purse and phone.

(If you don't like outfit you can change it but keep a long sleeve shirt)

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(If you don't like outfit you can change it but keep a long sleeve shirt)

"Fuyumi I'm heading out, do you need anything?"

"Nah I'm good. Have fun," she yells from somewhere in the house.

I plug in me earbuds and put on f/s. I bob my head to the song as I walk to my favorite boba shop. I walk in and it's surprisingly empty. Usually it's packed. I walk up to the counter grabbing my wallet out.

"What can I get for you, darling," the lady asks with a sweet tone.

My eyes scan over the menu," I'll have the f/b please."

"Alright that will be $12," I handed over the money and stand off the to the side waiting.

The bell at the door rings and I look over. He looks familiar. He has yellowish hair with a black lightening bolt in it.

"Y/n?" He looks at me confused. Oh he's in my class, but what was his name?

"Hey, um, sorry but what was your name again?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"Denki. Denki kaminari," he said smiling at me.

He orders his boba and sits down next to me. It feels weird seeing people outside of school.

"So how are you?" He breaks the silence.

"Good, you?"

"Hey can I have your number? You know as friends," he asks running the back of his neck.

"Sure give me your phone," I stuck my hand out.

I put my names as The Best Todoroki Twin which made him chuckle. He put his number in my phone but he just put his name.

"Oh, you're boring," I laugh thinking," you will now be known as... pikachu.

He smirks at me," pika pika," he says in a pretty good pikachu voice.

I laughed so hard I fell to the ground. It was so cute yet so funny.

(If you can't tell I'm a huge Denki simper)

"Todoroki," my name is called and I pick myself up off the ground.

"Thanks," I grab my boba," well time for me to leave. See you Monday, Denki."

He waved goodbye as I left. I smile at myself. I finally made a friend. I put my earbuds back in as I make my way home. About halfway through a loud voice interrupted my music.

"GOD DAMNIT! GET BACK HERE!" A women yells.

I yank my earbuds out and run over to where the voice came from. A women who looked weirdly familiar was picking up fruits and vegetables off the ground mumbling to herself. I walked over and crouched down.

"Would you like some help?" I grabs some apples and place them in the bag.

"Oh thank you but I got the rest," she said standing back up

"I insist this is too much to carry by yourself," I grab some bags.

She finally agrees and she leads me to her house. It was only a short walk luckily, cause these bags are heavy. I set them on the counter with a huff.

"You should stay for lunch. I have a son you could hang out with while you wait," I nod my head the only thing I really heard was free food," let me call him down. KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! WE HAVE A GUEST."



Well you'll see how this goes in the next chapter. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 943

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