chapter 37

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Leander's POV Continued

We reached our place, and surrounded the mansion. The shooting started immediately. They were big in number, but we used our brains. The men were stationed in places from where they could shoot, but were not visible to the enemy. When we had cleared enough people to enter the building, Alexandre, Charlotte, Anthony and Alfonio entered from the backside, while the triplets and i went from the front. My eyes immediately searched for my sister, begging the lord to keep her safe. I spotted her, a enemy in headlock, as she slit his throat. I couldn't see her face, so i was unable to determine if she was hurt, but her bleeding shoulder was visible, and the thought of someone stabbing her made my eyes see red. 

(AN; Skipping the fight cause you all know what happens in that)

I was fighting two idiots at once. Honestly, these men lacked skill. They had strength, but their brains were the size of a worm. I dodged a punch, and stabbed one person in his heart, when i heard someone falling behind me, and i quickly finished off the second man. 

When i looked back, i saw a man on the ground, a dagger embedded in his thigh, a dagger in his hand. He was going to stab me from behind. Coward. I shot him, and then searched for the person who saved me. My eyes met Taylor's, and i knew it was her. I nodded at her in gratitude, and went to help Alfonio fight five men. When i searched for my sister again, i saw a man moving towards her, dagger in hand, as he went to kill her from behind. They are all fucking cowards.

I shot him in his lungs, and he slumped down. Taylor found me looking, and i smirked at her. I have got your back sister, always. I turned to fight another bastard, a roundhouse kick, and he fell down unconscious.  My thoughts drifted to an amazing fighter beside me.

She is just FIFTEEN! Fifteen for god's sake. And at such a young age, she is an assassin. She was forced to kill people. Her teenage life should have been about how much homework the teacher has given us, who the most attractive actor was, when would she meet her idol, and not how she would complete her mission of killing ten people. 

These people, these fuckers took her childhood, her innocence away from my baby sister. I will fucking end them. 

With this new found motivation, i killed with even more hatred and anger. I searched for the man behind all this, Ramirez fucking Ajello. I saw Alexandre punching him in the face as he fell down. Alexandre took out his gun, when i remembered Taylor's words from yesterday,

'But do not kill Ramirez. Only i will be the one to take the light away from his eyes. I need this, so please, do not take this opportunity away from me, okay? i have waited thirteen gad damn years for this.' 

"Alexandre don't" I shouted, as i ran towards them. Everyone had stopped fighting, and were looking at us. 

"What the fuck?" Asked Alexandre, looking at me with confusion laced in his voice. Of course he would be confused, i was asking him to not kill the enemy and end the war.

"You will not kill him." I sternly replied, my promise resonating in my ears, as I jogged towards them, and hauled Ramirez to his feet. I then punched the bastard in the face, and his head snapped to the opposite direction. Good, this son of a bitch kidnapped dad and tortured him, and he ruined my baby sister's fucking life. I then dragged him towards where Taylor was standing, and pushed him down at her feet, his head slamming to the ground. That's where he should be, lying at her feet, at her mercy.

She looked at me in shock.

"I promised, didn't I love?" I winked at her. I was able to fulfil my promise, i am so so happy. But what made me burst in joy was that most beautiful grin on her face once she realised what i was upto. She looked so so pretty with happiness radiating from her face. I have the prettiest sister in the whole wide world.

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