chapter 28

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AN; Please note that this story will go very slow, as you can see from the number of chapters and the number of days Taylor has been with them. This focuses more on character development. Another thing, her name is TAYLOR, not Bellona. Bellona is the name she uses as an assassin. Her brothers do not know who she is, only Ethan, his family and Andi know. Enjoy!!

I woke up to Xerxes licking my face, while wagging his tail. "Alright alright i am up" I huffed. "Stop doing that." I giggled.

There was a knock on the door before Anthony entered. "Hey Taylor, you are being called down fo-" his voice drifted when he saw Xerxes cuddled up with me.

"AWWW" He gushed. I rolled my eyes. Here we go again.

"Who is this?" He asked, not peeling his eyes of the little devil who was pawing and sniffing my hair. "This is Xerxes." I said with a smile. 

"Can i hold him?" He asked me as he moved forward. I turned to look at the person, or well dog in question, who was growling at the teen boy like he stole his favourite bone. Welp, I suppose he doesn't like this brother.

"Guess not" I shrugged, nonchalantly, as i watched Anthony's smile drop. 

"Uhh- i was here to tell you that dinner is ready, umm and dad called you. His exact words being ' Get her here right this instant or so help me god i will carry her whole damn bed downstairs.'" he replied with a smile.

 I smiled, very well able to imagine Andi saying that. This man-child.

 I got up, and carried Xerxes in my arms downstairs, Anthony following. He had of course not given up on his wish to pet Xerry, so when his head was turned away, the foolish human patted the dog, only to be saved by an inch from having his hand bitten off. Not that Xerxes would be able to do that since he is only 2 months old, but by that growl, he had officially scared Anthony away. Good dog.

 I slowly rubbed his back, and he calmed down. Reaching the dining table, I saw everyone except Abel and Leander seated. I turned to take my seat next to Andi, who was at the head of the table, and knew what i was thinking with just one look. 

" They had to discuss something about the mafia." He said, dividing his food in two.

"Any troubles?" I asked raising my eyebrow, as i set Xerxes on the ground.

"Nope" Came Alfonio's reply. "Just some paper work." I nodded, unconvinced.

"And who is this?" Asked Alfonio, looking at my small baby running around sniffing everyone, also effectively changing the topic.

"Xerxes" I replied with a smile, watching him snarl as the scent of Charlotte's extra sweet perfume reached his nose. Charlotte moved her chair away from him, looking tad bit scared. I love him so much.

 Meanwhile, Estian went in the kitchen and brought some dog food. 

"We were prepared" He said with a smirk, pouring down a small heap, as Xerry licked his face before engulfing the food.

"Hey, thats not fair. He practically bit of my hand, and here he is, licking your face." Grumbled Anthony.

"He likes me more than you." Estian said with a victorious smile. "Besides, we were the one who bought him." He said with a shrug, sitting back down and eating.

Alfonio turned to me. "Are you alright Tay? You did not eat lunch today." He said with concern in his eyes. Does that mean he cares? I looked at Andi confused, who just softly smiled at me. "Yeah i am fine, was just a little tired." I replied. Alfonio still looked worried, but let it go (AN; Can't hold it back anymoree), thankfully.

'Alfonio really cares about me? But he has just known me for what? 5 days? What if he is-' I was cut off from my thoughts when Andi leaned and whispered in my ear.

"Do not overthink it princess. Just go with the flow." He said with a reassuring smile. So i dropped it.

The room was then silent, barring the small talk. Alvaro and Estian were busy petting Xerxes, and the later was basking in all the attention. Alfonio had also tried to pet him, but he would growl at him like the poor boy had snatched away his favourite toy. After dinner, i carried Xerxes back in my room after wishing everyone a good night. I jumped on my bed and looked at my phone to see a message from Ethan. Just seeing his name made my heart race. Why oh why did i have to catch feeling?

'Hey Tay, I know something happened today, and you are hiding it from me (like always), but remember, i will be there for you no matter what. You are my most favourite person in the world love, and if you want, i will fly around the globe just to give you a hug, yeah? Goodnight ;)'


Guess who went to bed with a smile on her face? This girl.


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AN; It is only her fifth day here and i already getting low on ideas. Ugh. Anyway, ENJOY!!

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