Five Seconds

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Five walked inside the building, shutting the door to the eerily quiet house and carefully stepping through it. He looked around, making his way into the living room and next the kitchen. He grabbed a sharp and large knife from a knife holder for protection, examining it to make sure he was comfortable with it and how effective it would be.

"What do you think that's going to do to me anyway?" A British accented voice said.

Five whipped around to see a man leaning against the wall casually, looking at Five. Five, being the expert assassin he is, examined his posture and looks, trying to find a visible weakness on the man.

Five's gaze lingered on his eyes that he could've sworn looked very familiar, as if he'd seen them time and time again quite recently.

"This?" Five asked, holding up the knife slightly. "It's gonna stab you."

"I know but what's that supposed to do to actually harm me?" Klaus clarified, a smirk forming on his face. Once again, Five swore he's seen that look before.

"I mean, I am a Vampire so your little toy isn't very effective." He gestures to the knife as if it were the most lame thing he'd ever seen.

"How do I know your not bluffing?" Five asked him.

"You know what? Get over here and stab me. Do it. I won't stop you. You have five seconds." Klaus said, holding his arms out like wings, leaving a wide open target for Five. He space jumped over and stabbed the man with the knife, dragging it along his leg since he had the opportunity as Klaus groaned and hissed in pain.

"Ow." Was all he said once Five backed away, back to his original spot. The tear in the mans shit showed blood but no wound or scar. Just perfectly healed skin.

"Strike one. Now, it's my turn." Dark veins crawled from under Klaus's eyes and his eyes glowed a golden hue. She sped over to Five quickly and pinned him against the wall. Five would have spacial jumped away but it was hard to do when you can't breathe and Klaus was clutching his throat tighter and tighter. Five thought this might actually be the end before Klaus was somehow thrown across the room and slammed into the wall on the opposite side. Both boys stood up, Five having to catch his breath as they looked at the attacker and the rescuer.

"Seriously, Dad?" She asked, completely ignoring Five's presence.


"Wait a minute.... Did you just call him Dad?" Five asked the girl.

"Yes you asshole and you," she turned back to Klaus. "I would appreciate if you didn't kill him. Thanks."

"Hope, you can't be here." Klaus said, looking at the floor.

Hope scoffed. "Your not even going to look at me."

Klaus slowly and carefully looked up, meeting his daughters eyes.

"Holy shit." Five said under his breath, the two Mikaelsons turning to him. "It all makes sense now. The book. Everything Lizzie said. The anger. The resemblance. All of it." He realized.

"Yes. That's old news." Hope snapped and turned back to her father.

"Hope, leave." The man said.

"No." She said in almost disbelief.

"Hope, if you don't leave this instant, I'll have Freya bind you to the compound." Klaus threatened.

"Unbelievable." Hope said. "You haven't spoken to me since I was nine. Why? You could've called, texted, and so much more so why didn't you?"

"You came to me that night because card and letters weren't enough, right?" Klaus asked his daughter as Five listened intently to the words exchanged between them. "When I looked into your eyes that night, all I saw was pure terror. I remembered how my own father left me. I don't know... perhaps I was always bound to leave you broken."

"You really think I'm broken?" Hope questioned, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Hope, I....." Klaus trailed off, knowing he had messed up.

"You know, that night when I visited, I saw a monster that looked like my dad. The one who taught me how to mix paint. And who called me his princess. I didn't know which version of you was real. And I waited for you to explain it, or apologize, or tell me that you loved me... but you never did. I waited for you, for years." Hope said, her voice breaking as more tears slipped down her checks.

There was a silence and soon Klaus looked like he heard something and yet Five couldn't hear a thing. Maybe it was because Five didn't have super hearing.

"We're- we're too close. You need to go." Klaus said, panic starting to find its way into his almost broken voice.


"Hope, I know you feel that. I know you can hear the whispers and I know you know what happens when we're too close." Klaus explained then remembered the boy who stood on the sidelines.

"You." He pointed at Five. "You can teleport, right?"

"Space Jump, yes" Five corrected.

"I don't give a bloody damn what it's called. Just get my daughter out of here and back to her School." He ordered. "Now!"

"No, Dad-" Hope was cut off by Five as he spacial jumped over to her, grabbed her wrist, and jumped them back to the School in Hope's room.

"Why did you do that?!" She asked, actually crying now.

"Because he told me to and it seemed urgent." Five explained.

"Well you shouldn't have, okay? I haven't seen my father in years because of some stupid witch that lived 5,000 freaking years ago! I needed him to talk to me and stop avoiding me because it's killing me and I don't know how much longer I can go without him talking to me!" She yelled, the lights starts my to flicker at a rapid speed, faster than Five had seen before. The winds picked up heavily as they blew books, papers, pens, pencils, Etc around the two teens, whipping Hope's hair around her face yet she didn't seem fazed. She was only angry and that was it. Or that's just how it looked.

"I'm going to go insane! Everyone here talks about him like he's never done anything good in his life and like he has no feelings and I have to be quiet little Hope Marshall, when I am so mad, I wanna scream."

Five put his hands up to try and shield himself from the items blowing around the room ferociously.

Out of nowhere there was a barely visible blur and suddenly, everything stopped. The lights. The wind. All of it as a man stood next to Hope, holding a bracelet around Hope's wrist.

She looked between the item and the man before settling on the man. He face changed from its angry state and to a sad and crying one as the man enveloped her in a hug.

Five was just confused and feeling way too many other emotions at once that were new to him.

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