Trash Talk

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"Lizzie Saltzman?" Five said as he spacial jumped right in front of the blonde teen and her brunette twin. The two jumped from fright as Five stood with a straight face.

"Uh, yeah." She confirmed, eying the boy uncertainly.

"My name is Five and I'd like to ask you some questions." He said.

"Sorry, I don't do interviews with little kids." She said, walking by him.

"Fine." Five sighed, knowing what he was going to do. "I guess I'll find someone else to tell me dirt on Hope Marshall." He sighed again as he turned around and took a step.

"Wait!" Lizzie's voice stopped him, causing him to smirk before straightening his face and turning around to face her and her sister yet again.

"I've reconsidered." She smiled at him.

"Wonderful." Five smiled back a tight lipped smile.


Five, Lizzie, and her twin sister, Josie, sat in their room as Five looked around, observing the pictures and other items.

"So, let's get started, shall we?" Lizzie asked.

"So start." Five replied.

"Hope Marshall came here when she was seven. Apparently my Dad found her in New Orleans on a road trip there.

Ever since she came here, she's been a total downer about everything. I've only seen her come to one party and she didn't even do anything there.

Also she's a total bitch to me. She was the one that told everyone about my first episode. Everyone laughed at me." She said and Five didn't miss the  guilt flash through Josie's eyes at those words.

"Her only actual friend is this loser named Henry Benoit. He's a werewolf from the Crescent pack in New Orleans so maybe that has something to do with it since they both live there.

She lit her dorm room on fire one time and ruined the Saltzman family vacation, too." Five noticed even more guilt in her Twins eyes at those words as well.

"Let's see.... Oh! When we were 11, she lit the woods on fire for absolutely no reason at all." Lizzie remembered.

"Don't forget about the history project thing." Josie reminded her sister.

"Oh, right. Every time someone does a crap piece on the Originals, they always end up with a bloody nose or something like that. Everyone knows it's Hope doing it and she hasn't gotten expelled yet for some reason." Lizzie complained. "She's done so much more things like that yet she's still here."

"We also know her family is rich." Josie added, letting her twin have a break.

"Rich?" Five questioned. Big whoop.

"Yeah. Her family made a huge, generous donation to our school when she first started coming here. No one could actually be able to tell if she's spoiled or not considering she doesn't like socializing but if she was mean and snobby, that could be the reason why." She explained.

"Well, thanks girls and by the way, I think you guys are much better to be around than Hope." He said, making them both smile. He turned and rolled his eyes. Biggest lie of his life. Josie wasn't so bad but honestly, those two girls are really annoying.

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