Chapter 47....

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"Damn they are playing rough tonight." Sydni said, both of us wincing at a hard hit one of our own players took.

"Seriously though." I knew the Huskies  and the Toronto Knights were rivals but I didn't realize just how bad it got.

At first the Knights were playing friendly....ish but the Huskies instantly came out of the gate with hard hits. Hits that the refs should have called them out for. At almost every turn they were slamming our players into the glass or tripping them.

Wyatt has managed to avoid some hard hits, most of which were thanks to Trevor and Bryton. The two were doing their jobs of covering for Wyatt but damn they have gotten hit hard. The last guy who hit Bryton hard into the wall had Sydni out of her seat screaming at the ref. I didn't blame her at all. It was like the refs were blind.

"Oh." I closed one eye as I shrunk back in my seat. "That had to hurt." One of our guys was slow to get up off the ice. Everyone around us booing and yelling. That was definitely an illegal hit. But like all the calls it was ignored.

They couldn't even blame it on home cooking because the game was at home. Thank god for that. I had a feeling if the game was in the home arena of the Huskies things would be way worse.

The players barreled down the ice as Bryton expertly handled the puck in front of him. Wyatt and Trevor right by him. It was still incredible to watch the three of them play together. It was like they were one and knew exactly what to do to help the other. All three moved on the ice so fast, weaving in and around players as they neared the goalie.

I held my breath, Sydni beside me doing the same, as Bryton brought his stick back and flicked it forward. The speed and precision was literally spot on like Wyatt's. I lost sight of the puck as it flew towards the goalie, a mess of players in the way.

A small cannon went off in the arena followed by screaming. Score. I thought everyone else screaming was loud but it was nothing compared to the person next to me.

Sydni let out the highest pitch scream I've ever heard as she shot from her seat, clapping.

"I SLEEP WITH HIM!" She screamed. The two girls on her other side sending her weird looks. Of course Sydni didn't give to shits as she cheered on her boyfriend. "Oh he is getting lucky tonight." She said as she took her seat again.

Her words didn't even faze me at this point. We've been friends for a little bit now and quickly learned she had no filter. That was just who Sydni was. Unapologetically her.

"Try not to break the coffee table this time." I retorted. About a week ago while Tasha, Lydia, Sydni and I were hanging out having another girls night she told us all about how her and Bryton broke their coffee table the day before. Lets just say she described how it very vivid detail.

"Not this time. I'm aiming for the dining kitchen next." She sent me a wicked grin that had me snorting.

We brought our attention back to the ice, my eyes landing on Wyatt immediately. I probably should pay more attention to what the other players were doing, but I only had eyes on my man. It was hard not to when he looked so good in his uniform. Add in that I knew what he looked like without it on too.

I was busy thinking of all the ways to congratulate him on his win tonight that I almost missed the two players heading straight for me. I jerked out of my thoughts as I realized one of those players was Wyatt.

With wide eyes I watched as the one of the players on the Huskies side slammed Wyatt so hard into the plexiglass in front of me. The boom that sounded seemed to shake my bones as the plexiglass rattled. I wasn't even thinking as I stood up and hit the glass with my fist.

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