Chapter 24...

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"Go with that sexy red top." My best friend, Tasha, said over FaceTime.

"Have you been gone too long? It's getting cold and that top is literally the smallest thing on the planet." I shot her a look through the phone. I knew exactly what top she was talking about to. She bought it for me a year ago on my birthday and I still have yet to wear it. It was literally one piece of fabric. It covered my chest with a chain around my neck, but left my stomach open and my entire back exposed. It was not a shirt for the faint of heart.

"It's sexy! I don't understand why you haven't worn it yet." She said with a huff.

"One day." I promised although I wasn't sure if that day would ever arrive.

"Fine but your man would fall to his knees if he saw you in that." I blushed at the thought of wearing that shirt for Wyatt. "Do you know what you guys are doing?" Her voice brought me out of my dirty thoughts.

"I'm not sure. He just said be ready by 11." I had called Tasha an hour ago freaking out over what to wear for my date with Wyatt. I had absolutely no clue what to wear and since I didn't know what we were doing it made it harder to choose. 

Do I go a bit fancier? Comfier? I was half tempted to text him but seeing as I only had 45 minutes until he showed up I didn't have time. Thank god I already showered and did my hair and makeup.

"Oh vague, I like it."  Tasha hummed. "Still can't believe you are seeing Wyatt Boone." When I finally told Tasha about Wyatt she had flipped out. The fact that I, Josie Scott, had somehow caught the attention of Wyatt Boone was still a bit surreal.

She had spent a good twenty minutes questioning me about every detail and wanting to know what Wyatt was like. I was almost done with my hair by time she settled down. Of course she had demanded why I hadn't told her sooner but she pushed past it when I asked for help with my outfit.

"Of course you find the hottest guy in Toronto when I'm thousands of miles away, stuck at my grandparents house."

"No cute guys?" I questioned as I slide on a pair of jeans. Can't go wrong with a cute pair of jeans, right?

"Eh." Wasn't that much of a surprise that Tasha to not be impressed. She's always been picky with the guys she dates or are interested in.

Thing is Tasha is gorgeous. With long dirty blonde hair, that she's dyed a million times, a pair of steel grey eyes that catches you off guard, cute freckles on her nose and cheeks, and a pair of dimples on each cheek. She literally can bring any guy to his knees even if she doesn't try. I remember passing guys on our way to classes and almost every single one would stop and stare at her, strutting past.

"Not even going to give any a try? You are there for two weeks, might as well have some fun." I didn't even hesitate in taking off the shirt I was currently in to put another on. Didn't matter of Tasha was watching me, we were roommates for almost six years I'm pretty sure we've both seen enough of each other to not care.

"No one excites me but we'll see." She said nonchalantly. "Oh that looks great!"

I looked over at the mirror off to the side of my room and looked at my outfit. I actually liked what I chose. A simple white spaghetti strap tank top that went with my light blue skinny jeans. And then I grabbed a super cute burgundy colored sweater. I wanted to go casual yet a bit sexy. 

"You think so?" I questioned, worrying my lip between my teeth looking myself over. I knew the longer I looked at my reflection the more I'd grow to hate it.

"Trust me Jo, when that man sees you he'll be unable to keep his hands off of you." She said with a smug look. The thought of Wyatt's hands on me like last night sent a shiver down my spine.

After our kiss on my doorstep last night I barely remember coming in and getting changed. I was just going through the motions of taking my makeup off, my mind completely on Wyatt and how he felt against my lips. My mind was in a total fog even as I went to bed, knowing full well I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon.

So when my phone started ringing it was a shock. When I saw the person's name I almost didn't answer it. It was late and he should have been asleep yet here he was calling me. Right before it went to voicemail I answered it.

Hearing Wyatt's deep voice over the phone had me feeling some sort of way. I knew I was quiet at first but as always I was awkward around him. But the longer we talked the more relaxed I became, laying in my bed with my phone pressed to my ear.

I'm not sure how long we talked on the phone for. One second we were talking softly and the next I was waking up with my phone pressed to my face, the phone silent. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on him at one point.

"Jo," Tasha brought my out of my thoughts again. Turning I faced my laptop propped up. "Just enjoy today. Don't over think it." She knew me so well because no doubt I would do exactly that. "From what you have told me Wyatt is a good guy so just have fun. Okay?"

Tasha was there for me through every breakup, every heartbreak, and through the horrible periods of my life. She knew me better than I knew myself. Which means she knows every insecurity that is running through my mind right now.

"Okay." I said with conviction. I wasn't going to let any sort self doubt or anxiety get in the way today. I'm going on a date with Wyatt. A guy who I've found myself falling for so fast. The guy who makes me feel alive for the first time in my life. 


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