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The same night
Jackson, MS
At the gym

Kemari Avani Pierson

The whole gym cheered as the ball went in. I looked up and saw we were up by 1 meaning we were winning.

Only 20 seconds on the clock and anything could happen.

I got up and just walked the pain off.

"That damn sasquatch hurt my baby and your bitch ass ain't gonna call the foul" Syx yelled at the referee.

"Shut up" I mouthed to him when he looked at me.

"Time out" Coach Briley yelled and we all ran to the bench.

Well I limped but tried to play it off.

I sat on the floor to put my ankle brace on as fast as I could while listening to coach.

When the time out was over we got back on the court.

"Come on y'all, let's end this shit" Kyri encouraged us.

We were on defense and Zina stole the ball from the other team but 3 of their players pushed her down.

One of their players got the ball, ran towards their goal, and tried to shoot. Kyri caught up with her, jumped, and blocked her shot as the buzzer went off.

"WE DID IT" I yelled as everybody ran to us and celebrated with us.

I just looked around the gym hoping to find Syx.

I jumped as I felt someone wrapped their arms around me. I turned around and smiled when I saw Syx. Butterflies float around in my belly as he bent down to kiss my cheek.

"You won bae" he smiled at me.

"Why weren't you here earlier?" I pouted.

"Something happened, I'll tell you later" he kissed my other cheek. "Go celebrate with your team, I'll take you somewhere later on"

"Where are we going to go?" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Don't worry about it" he pulled me closer, gently grabbed my neck, and kissed me.

At that moment, everything around me just disappeared. It was just Syx and I. Little sparks went off in my stomach and I instantly smiled as I pulled away.

Sin walked up to us with Zina by his side. "Good job lil Vani and happy birthday" he hugged me.

"Thank you" I smiled at him.

"Do you need anything for your ankle?" Syx asked me.

"No, I'm fine"

"Alright, I'll see you later" he hugged me then kissed my forehead.

"Ok" I walked away from them and slowly walked towards my family.

"Y'all did great baby" my mama hugged me.

"Thank you" I pulled away from the hug. Weird.

"When we get home you have to ice your ankle" Pops told me.

"I know"

"I'm still better than you but you were actually decent tonight, congrats on the win" Shamaree smiled then the twins hugged me.

A few minutes later, the whole team was standing in the middle of the gym.

"We will now give the team captain the state championship trophy" the announcer said as they handed Kyri the trophy and everybody clapped. "Congrats Girls"

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