Making Charlie Happy

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"The thing I like about makeup is that you can entirely change your appearance. It's like, who's this person? Why are they wearing glitter all over their face? It can upgrade your look from two hours of sleep to elusive sex icon." Allison's words float through my mind, her soothing voice a comforting sound.

If I'm ever rich I'm going to make sure I buy a house or rent an apartment with central air conditioning. The inside of Allison's room is the perfect crisp temperature, a reprieve from the stifling humidity outside. My fan in my window gets nowhere close to cooling off my room in the way the brand new air conditioning system at Alison's house lowers the temperature to something bearable.

"Look, Lucas." Allison sounds delighted. "Isn't Charlie the most handsome boy you've ever seen?"

I'm sitting on the floor of her bedroom and leaning against her bed, magazines scattered around me. Coming over to her house with Charlie was the best idea in the world because she gave me a box of old Vogue and Seventeen magazines to use for collages. I've been lost in my own world, viciously cutting out model's appendages and Chanel bags.

I glance up from where I've been contemplating a picture of some celebrity's newborn baby, trying to decide if it has a place in the art piece I've been planning out. Charlie looks at me, a sheepish expression on his face. He's sitting on Allison's bed cross-legged, and she has been kneeling in front of him, applying makeup for the past half an hour.

"Whoa." I grin. "That's a lot of sparkle."

"I'm going for a heroin chic look," she explains. "Heroin chic meets male Vegas stripper."

"You have to let me see," Charlie complains, trying not to seem like he's enjoying every second of her attention. "You almost stabbed me in the eye with eyeliner, and for what?"

I can tell he's been thriving ever since we came over; he eagerly followed Allison into her closet where she showed off her eclectic wardrobe, oohed and ahhed her makeup collection to make her happy, and then didn't need any coaxing when she asked to do his makeup.

Despite our not knowing her for more than a month, she's already seemed to have us figured out. She supplied me with ample distraction by giving me magazines, and then gave Charlie the exact attention I knew he secretly wanted.

"I'm almost done," she promises him.

"You look good," I reassure him. "Don't worry, she didn't do you dirty. I'm going to have to beat the other boys off of you."

"Boys?" He laughs. "There are no boys around here, Lucas. Allison, good luck finding a man around here. I've snatched up the only decent one. Everyone else is only good for their dick."

Her laugh sounds like a spring breeze; it's refreshing and light. "I'll probably wait until college to get myself a boy. I don't plan on finding my soulmate in the countryside unless there's some sexy farmer that wants to sweep me off my feet."

Allison has Charlie's hair pinned off his forehead with plastic butterfly hair-clips, and has liberally applied different shades of blue and purple to his eyelids. His eyes are still on me as she swatches a thick bristle brush with bronzer, going in to brush it over the edge of his cheekbone without warning. What happens isn't her fault, she doesn't know.

He recoils from the sudden unseen contact.

"Oh!" She drops the brush and powder falls onto her lavender comforter. "I'm sorry," she quickly apologies, picking up the brush. "I moved in on you fast." She smooths over the situation, trying to seem casual. There's confusion blooming behind her eyes, despite the gentle smile on her lips. "Just let me know when you're ready."

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