Womanly Intuition

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Author's note: from here on out there won't be any more chapters that take place in the past!

Allison and I have become friends. Not special friends or friends who actually want to fuck and are only friends because they're thinking about doing that. After the debacle when we got breakfast and were bombarded by my friends, we both had a mental shift where we realized any attraction we had for one another was only surface level. I enjoy our friendship because once I put aside my urge to make her my girlfriend, I realized she's fun to hang out with and has womanly wisdom I don't possess.

This is why I'm running up her porch steps at nine in the morning and knocking loudly.

"Hello?" The woman that answers the door is short and slender.

She's wearing all white, a two-piece linen set that emulates wealth. Around her neck is a beaded turquoise necklace and on her fingers are stacked golden rings. Rich people always wear white; they also go to hot yoga in order to beat their bodies into toned submission, and call my hometown 'quaint' and 'rustic.'

"Is Allison home? I'm Lucas," I introduce myself, even though I'm not interested in meeting Alison's mom right now. "I live right down the road. Anna-Maria is my mother."

"Oh." Her eyes light up with recognition. "Lovely to meet you, Lucas. I'm Janet." She extends a veiny hand and I limply shake it. "Let me go wake up Allison."

Since she doesn't invite me inside, so I sit on one of their chairs on the porch. I check my string of texts with Charlie, sent after our pizza date. Reading our texts makes me feel sick; I've been torturing myself with them all night. I haven't slept because I've been obsessively sifting through every minute I spent with him yesterday, up until he ran away.

Lucas: I'm sorry I upset you

Lucas: Can you call me so that we can talk? I don't know what happened

Charlie: I can't do this with you anymore

Lucas: why?

Lucas: Charlie I care about you more than anyone else

Lucas: I didn't mean to upset you, I thought I was doing what you wanted

Lucas: did I hurt you?

"Hey, you!" I look up when I hear Allison's voice.

"Hey." I turn off my phone and tuck it in my pocket. "Thanks for waking up to see me."

She yawns and takes a seat in the empty chair beside me, leaning back and closing her eyes against the blazing sun. Everything about her screams that she's just woken up and stumbled out here; her hair is loose and tangled, and she's wearing a pajama set printed with little candy hearts. "It's cool, I want to start waking up earlier, anyway."

"I need help," I say desperately. "I need a woman's intuition."

"You need a woman's help?" She smiles sleepily at me. "I'm honored."

"I need boy advice," I say nervously. "I thought you'd know better than me."

"Wait, like, boy advice?" She opens her eyes and looks at me in surprise.

"Don't embarrass me." I pinch my temple. "I'm really stressed out."

"Sorry." She reaches over and pats my shoulder. "I won't ask any more questions until after you've told your story."

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