Chapter Ten

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Christopher came out of the gas station and on his arm was a plastic bag that I could see was filled with a variety of drinks and snacks.

He explained the contents of the bag through the open door while he filled the car with gas. "It's not great, but it will do the job of putting something in your stomach besides liquor. There's also some energy drinks in there." 

This man was too good.

My mouth began watering at the sight of a Snickers. I greedily snatched it and devoured the entire thing before he even finished pumping. He climbed in the car and buckled up before grabbing a bag of chips.

"Where to now?" He asked while opening them. 

"How about Englewood? They turned right at the end and if they continued straight on that road then they would end up in that area."

"Sounds like a plan." He began turning out of the gas station and that's when I saw it. A black Chevy Tahoe, blending in all too well with the black skyscraper it was parked alongside. I hadn't seen it in the rear view mirror because it was difficult to spot, even looking at it head on played tricks on my eyes. But thankfully, when he turned the car, his lights hit in just right and it stuck out to me.

"That's it," I mumbled and began unbuckling my seat belt. I fumbled with it because my panic started up again at a whole new pace. Everything about my body felt like it kicked into overdrive; my heart raced, my head pounded, yet my muscles tensed.

"Whoa, wait. I'll pull up behind it. Are you sure?" He started driving and looked both ways before crossing over the four lanes between us and the parked Tahoe. Thankfully, no cars were out so we got to it within a minute and I raced out of the car as soon as he parked.

Christopher followed suit and then went up to the windows of the car to glance inside it. I waited for his signal and when he shook his head, my instincts glanced behind him at the ominous skyscraper. He trailed his gaze after mine and then looked back at me. But I was already walking past him before his protests reached my ears.

"It's almost two in the morning! You can't just walk into a building past operating hours."

I heaved the heavy glass door open and didn't even bother to wait for him. What he didn't know, and what I didn't pause to inform him about, was that I spotted Nelly's favorite lip gloss dropped in front of the building. She left a trail.

I heard the door open behind me and was glad he came along. I'd probably need him even though I knew how to take care of myself... When sober.

He tried tip-toeing up beside me whereas I was practically slamming my feet down to make my presence known. I was pissed, beyond crazed, and no one fucked with my best friend.

"Hey, Mia!" It was a whisper but it was urgent, so I interpreted it as his form of yelling at me. I could tell he was trying to catch up to me but for every wary step he took, I took two long strides. "Mia!" He whispered-shouted again.

The elevators were on the far end of this vast lobby and I could see the glimmer of a slender item on the floor near them. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it to be Nelly's Marc Jacobs eyeliner that she adored. It had been opened, the tip of it was broken as if it had been smudged into something.

I pushed the button for the elevator and while waiting, Chris had caught up to me. "What's your game plan here? I noticed the makeup trail she left, clever girl, but this is some shit out of the books I typically read, not take part in. And in real life situations, we should have the cops with us."

"That might draw too much attention." I pressed the elevator button a few more times and eventually it opened. On the inside I looked at the forty-five options to select from but only one stuck out...

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