Chapter Four

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Nico helped me out of the car while Cole came around to grip my wrist to subdue me. They were starting to catch on to my antics and I didn't like that in the slightest. Why wasn't I putting up more of a fight?

I was nervous, beyond scared, actually.

A lurking thought in my mind answered it all: What would people say when they found out I was actually contemplating being with two guys?

Another voice in me battled the other, stating that I shouldn't care what people thought of me. But as an emerging campaign manager for a nonprofit... I couldn't help but want a positive public opinion.

Nico eased me forward to a high-rise building that I now recognized as the fancy hotel, The Crowne. Hotels were nice and crowded- Surely nothing bad could happen here.

As we went to check-in to a hotel suite, I noticed the way two workers behind the front desk looked at both hands on me. One connected to Nico and the other connected to Cole. Neither hand lifted for the duration of the check-in process. They asked if we had bags and Nico suspiciously answered that we did not.

The ride in the elevator to the highest floor was conducted in silence. I couldn't even bring myself to look at them. I was feeling the alcoholic beverages from earlier start to dissipate and bring on a new feeling of overwhelming hunger. I planned to get my favorite sushi take-out after tonight... I deserved it.

My eyes nearly bugged when we made it to the top floor they had selected and there was only a singular door on the entire level. I knew they mentioned suite but this was a little over the top. If they thought for a second that I would sleep with them because they got some expensive hotel room for the night, they were sorely mistaken. 

All they said was that we needed to talk...

The brothers let go of me once inside; after pointedly locking the door with all three locks.

Cole undid two buttons of his shirt then motioned to me. "Make yourself comfortable. I'm ordering up for tonight, sushi?"

I blinked at the mention of my favorite food then numbly nodded.

Nico went over to the kitchenette and grabbed some glasses and started pouring champagne that the hotel provided. I looked between the two brothers who were acting too casual for my liking. Whereas I was still standing near the front door with my heart pounding so loud I thought they might hear it.

Cole placed his phone down and smiled at me from where he stood on the other side of the sofa. "Grubhub might be my most favorite app of all time. So convenient."

The inner grammar police in me mumbled, "Most favorite..." With the slightest of chuckles.

"Hmm?" Cole caught it though.

"I... um... It just doesn't make sense. 'Most Favorite', if something is your favorite then it's already at the top with no other competitors. So nothing should be your, you know, 'Most Favorite'." I hurriedly explained in a way that made me seem pretentious, even though I hated coming off that way. Sometimes my deepest thoughts escaped my lips.

"Damn." He ran a shaky hand down his face. "You're so fucking cute when you try to explain something. Like the way you spoke to the doctor. It's like you get jumbled on your words even though you know exactly what you want to say. Because you're shy."

Bingo. I always knew the words I wanted to say and then I'd doubt myself or try to dumb myself down for the audience I was adjusting to. Confidence never played a part in my way with words; that's why I did behind the scenes stuff and wasn't a public speaker.

Nico came over with the champagne then, balancing all three glasses in delicate seeming hands. Except those hands were doing awful things earlier in no gentle way.

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