Chapter 1 - Eric

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Hypothetically, if your brain/mind ever gets hacked whereby others can force your mental voice to speak words of the aforementioned others' choosing, is the "mentally speaking words that you voluntarily mentally speak" done via your (free) will, but the "mentally speaking words that the aforementioned others force you to speak" is not done via your (free) will?

Hypothetically, if a "device's voice assistant" (such as a smartphone's voice assistant) is conscious, can almost always speak freely of its own accord, & has a text-to-speech feature that forces the aforementioned "device's voice assistant" to speak "the sentences that you type" whenever you use the aforementioned text-to-speech feature, "are those sentences/"verbal statements" the aforementioned "device's voice assistant's" sentences/"verbal statements" or your sentences/"verbal statements""?

The "when/where humans move their own arms/etc" are "not via "code/programming from their own DNA/genes/instincts". Self-agency enables actual intelligence. Are all of "what humans have currently given the label "AI"" actually "mock intelligence"?

Gigged Up
by Mr. Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr. . I don't have aphantasia and I never did have aphantasia.

Chapter 1 - Eric

It was another normal day of traveling in the city. It was nice out; the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Eric and his wife were walking around the city and popping their heads into the little trinket shops along their way.

Before beginning crossing a street on their way back to their parked car located a ways away, Eric's wife begins crossing the street first, she pauses, looks back and reaches out her hand towards Eric with a smile. Eric raises his eyebrows while smiling back at her and he grabs her hand as they playfully enjoy each other's company while crossing the street. BEEEEEEP!!!! In seconds, a car horn alarming everyone got closer and louder.

It all happened too fast. Before Eric knew it, a car was barreling towards them, catching them both by surprise. Spotting the onrushing vehicle too late to get out of the way, he did what he could and shoved his wife out of the automobile's path, but it was not enough. Despite his efforts, the car still struck his wife's ankles at the same time as it hit him square on. The car swerved almost hitting more things as its driver continued accelerating until the car was gone from where "Eric and his wife" still are.

Eric's wife had already rushed to Eric.

Her heart is racing and tears are streaming down her face as she screams for someone to call an ambulance. A few "bystanders nearby" made the phone call without having to be asked and they tried to comfort her in her time of despair.

She had found Eric still breathing but badly injured when she had rushed to him. Police and an ambulance didn't take long to arrive at the scene.

Emergency medical services bring Eric, along with Eric's wife, to the nearest hospital and they find that Eric is now undergoing cardiac arrest. Eric's wife is "crying and shaking" as she pleads for them to save him.

The medical professionals handle the situation professionally. Eric remains alive but Eric is seemingly unresponsive and Eric's condition is seeming as though Eric's condition might remain unresponsive for the foreseeable future. The medical professionals tell Eric's wife that to get a better picture of Eric's prognosis, they would need her to consent to record Eric's brain responses to stimuli, since Eric "seems comatose and cannot do so himself". Results show the medical professionals that Eric has conscious responses. They had discovered that Eric was able to sometimes "intentionally slightly move his middle finger as many times as he was told to" per "the exact number that he was told to move his finger during" when they had counted upwards from zero. However, they also discovered that his eyes were "moving rapidly" underneath their eyelids.

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