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One day in June, Kasumi-sama passed words to me that Tomoe-senpai was calling me to the Student Council room. Apparently it was some secret…

I opened the door in trepidation to find Tomoe-senpai and Stalking Horse there.

“Sorry for calling you out here, Kisshouin-san. Come sit down.”

Tomoe-senpai beckoned me towards one of the couches. Right next to Stalking Horse. Who glanced at me for a moment before averting his eyes.

After sitting down on the sofa opposite ours, Tomoe-senpai looked at my face, and then Stalking Horse’s.

“I actually called the two of you here because I wanted the two of you to serve in the Student Council next term.”



Serve in the Student Council!?

In middle school the member of the Student Council served until the end of Term 2, but in high school it’s only until Term 1. Right after the Summer Break the Student Council President retires and an election is held. Once the new Student Council President and Vice President are elected they nominate the other members. The students they nominate are told in advance though.

And apparently I was one of them.

“Arima, I know you were the Student Council President in the middle school section. You’re an obvious choice. You’ll accept, of course?”

“Yeah, well, I don’t really have a problem with it but…”

Stalking Horse looked confused as he glanced my way. Mn. I know what you mean. Why the hell is a Pivoine girl like me here, right? I’m basically asking the same thing.

“True, Kisshouin-san is a member of the Pivoine, but since primary school she’s served as Class Rep a number of times. Not only that but she’s honest and hard-working. This is something I know very well too. Not only that, but she’s one of the Pivoine members who get along more amicably with the Student Council. It’s really a new faction, you could say. That’s why I really hope that she’ll accept.”

Uwahh~ I’m happy that Tomoe-senpai trusts me so much, but defying the Pivoine like that is really too scary. I’d completely ruin myself if I did.

“I am terribly sorry, Tomoe-senpai. That is probably asking a little much. I am still a Pivoine member in the end.”

“You can’t be both?”

“I would probably be seen as a spy by both sides…”

Scaryy. I’m actually in the Pivoine so I know better than anyone else just how scary it would be to anger them. At worse I might be bullied until I drop out of school. Ah, but well, it’s the Student Council’s job to help with bullying isn’t it.

Anyway, the elitist Pivoine and egalitarian Student Council are like, conceptually opposed, so there’s no way I could be a member of both. It wouldn’t make sense.

“Mmn, I guess you can’t after all.”

Tomoe-senpai stretched.

“You know, I thought you might say that but since it was you I was just hoping that you might. You’d be like a bridge between us after all. But I guess the divide between the two groups is even more intense during high school, isn’t it.”

Yes. It’s not just a divide, it’s like the Mariana Trench.

“Then just you for Student Council then, Arima. But Kisshouin-san, you’ll help out in your role as Class Rep?”

The Villainess Reika-samaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang