Chapter 10

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"So when do you get your grades?" Asks Dad with zero preamble as I walk through the door.

"Hello, Father. Happy Friday to you. My day of soul-crushing finals was terrible. Thank you for your concern," I rattle out in a robotic tone.

He cocks an eyebrow at me before he speaks again, "not a fan of the attitude, but I'm sorry. Was it really that bad?"

I shrug and shake my head, "noooooo. Theo's really helped me with math. That was the only one I was really worried about. I think they have to have the grades posted by Monday."

Dad shakes his head, "Technology. Ok. Then happy winter break, my darling baby boy. Scott'll be here in a couple of hours." he pats my shoulder and heads back to the kitchen. "Family run out at Grandpa's when he gets here," he says over his shoulder.

I drop my head in defeat. Scott's a great guy....just a shitty brother. I'm the baby in the family, so that means being compared to him in all aspects.

Sports- he was the captain of the hockey team. I might be, but not yet. They won 3 state championships with him. We're hoping for the first one this year with me.

School- valediction. Full ride scholarship to Oregon. Thanks to Theo, I'll get a B in math for the first time since the 3rd Grade.

Love life- his long-term girlfriend has been in his life since they were both freshmen. I'm a recovering fuck boy who's secretly bi and crushing hard on Theo.

I grab my bag and head upstairs. With a mighty thud, I hit my bed and look over at the window. I can't help but perk up at Theo's dinosaur eraser on the window sill. Next to the monkey eraser and the pig eraser he got me the last two times we went to the arcade. Crushed me in everything but air hockey yet again.

"My little Theo zoo," I say with a big smile.

I pull out my phone and text the guys.

Bro chat

Me- Theo's birthday's coming up. What's the plan?

Theo- nothing.

Brenden- I'm thinking a party.

Theo-I'm thinking no.

Theo- ich denke nein

Bryce- only losers know German. I'm thinking a party with the team. The Varsity bros.

Me- loving this plan. Theo!!!! Come play with us.

Theo- only cause you'll all die without me.

Bryce- says the guy that wants to go on a hike this weekend.

Theo- it was an idea.

Me- no hiking, birthday boy. Brenden round up the guys. Party. Saturday night. Bryce, get your Dad on board.

Theo- good luck.

Bryce- it's a team-building exercise, baby cousin. He'll be fine.

I see a text from Theo pop up in our own chat.

Theo- please don't leave me alone at the party.

Theo- I get weird vibes from some of the guys still.

Me- I'll protect you, little one.

Bryce texted me too.

Bryce- be extra nice to Theo this weekend. His Dad got sentenced today. Dad just talked to him.

Me- oh shit.

Bryce- yup, plus I think my Dad finally got a lead on his mom in Vegas.

Me- dang. Lots of news.

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