Chapter 2

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The knock on my door gets my attention. I roll over and see Dad standing there shirtless. There's nothing out of the ordinary there; we're a fit family, and he just got back from the woods.

"What's up, Pop?" I ask with a smile.

He sighs before he asks the question on his mind. "What's up with you? And don't say nothing. I can hear your heart right now."

"It's not nothing, but I don't wanna talk about it. Yet. Is that ok?" I say back. Maybe if I'm honest, he'll let it go.

"I guess it'll have to be, but whatever it is, you need to calm down about it. You're stressing yourself out," he says and walks down the hall to shower. His wolf runs in the woods always make him sweat, and Mom hates it.

He's right, though. Theo's on my mind today, and I hate it. I like it, but I hate it. I'm bi, and I know it. I'm sure Dad knows it too, but no one else does. I've liked guys before, but damn, the second I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I really don't get what's happening.

I whip out my phone and text Bryce

Me- yo B. How was it today?

He answers me right away, so he was looking at his phone. Probably talking to a girl he wants to hook up with.

Bryce- it was ok. He's super quiet. I think he hates it here.

Me- I think he just needs to get use to it. Am I picking you up in the morning?

Bryce- Nah, Dad's taking us. He has to do paperwork for Theo.

Me-are you gonna need a ride after?

Bryce- no clue, I'll ask.

Bryce- why do you care? Do you have a problem with him?

Me- what no!?

Me- I'm just trying to help. What would I have a problem with anyways?

Bryce- cause Theo's gay? I don't know. We've never talked about it.

"Shit," I mumble to myself. Should I tell him?

Me-zero problems with gay people. I just want him to be happy, and I want you to not stress.

Bryce- :) ok cool. He'll probably hang out with us after school until he makes some friends.

Me-perfection. Night bro

Bryce- night

"I should've told him," I think so myself. "But then he'd know I've got a crush on his cousin....who I don't even know."

"Ugh....." I groan out and then stifle the sound. I don't need the rest of the family hearing my pain.

I hit the lights and tried to sleep. I can already tell it's going to be a long night.

Uncle Mason's talking to the principal about something....not I know he's telling him about my Dad and everything. Bryce and Jackson are hanging out with me in the cafeteria by the main office. What little I've seen of school seems nice; Bryce and Jackson told me all about their friends and the stuff they like to do, so I can kind of pick my own path.

Bryce's on student council and is a total jock; Jackson's a drama guy and plays tennis. Based on the number of people waving at them from a distance, I think the two brothers are pretty popular. I've struggled with popularity in the past; back home, Mom and Dad's problems were open secrets, so kids stayed away. Usually, the guys from my team would be cool but distant. Of course, the fact that I was the smartest kid in class helped a bit.

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