chapter 1

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First day of school and I wake up late amazing. Oh I'm Malia by the way (pronounced maw-lee-a). It's my first day of college and of
course I wake up late. I quickly get dressed and run to the lecture room.

I fix myself up and walk in. I hear a voice from the front of the class room "You must be Ms. Hart."  it's one of my lecturers. I nod quickly, he smiles "take a seat" I quickly walk to a free seat and sit down. He nods and introduces himself "I am Mr. Warren and i'll be one of your demonology lecturers my wife Mrs. Warren will also be joining me for the classes but she couldn't make it today"

People around the classroom start to whisper and I hear one girl say "Too bad he's married he's so good looking" I laugh a little but hide it as best as I can. "All right that's enough that's enough" Mr. Warren says to calm everyone down.

"For the first class I'll be telling you 'what is demonology' well, demonology is the study of demons or beliefs about demons, and the hierarchy of demons. They may be nonhuman, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body" he looks around the classroom "Does everyone understand?" everyone nods

The class goes by very quick and before I know it, it's already 10:00 "Alright and that concludes our class today" Mr. Warrens says as he claps his hands together. Before you know it people are scattering out of the classroom.

As I leave the classroom I decide to go to the arts and crafts store just off campus so I speed walk there to have a look around.


I walk in and look around then I spot a raggedy anne doll in the corner of a shelf, I look at the price tag and it's only $15 I pick it up and walks to the counter to buy it. After I buy it I walk out of the store and head back to campus to start to decorate my dorm.

I get back to campus and rush to my dorm I walk in and set the doll onto the couch then walk to my room to start decorating.

I take out my books, clothes, posters and pictures of my family, friends and I then i start to book all of my books onto the shelf then following the clothes in the closet, the pictures around my room then a few
posters on the walls. "It looks great" I say in excitement.

I throw my self onto the bed then I slowly start to doze off then finally fall asleep forgetting to bring the doll into my room.


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