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"I can't believe my best friend is dating a Ferrari," Karla states. "I just can't believe it. It's not possible. That type of shit doesn't happen to people like us."

"I'm just as surprised as you are," I cozy up on the couch. "I didn't even think he was serious about our date."

"But turns out he's been in love with you all this time?" she gushes. "Girl, you are living a dream."

"Don't say that," I laugh. "I already don't feel like it's real."

It isn't an issue when Diego and I are together. But when we're apart, it feels too good to be true.

"But it is! You spent the day at their home! You're basically already part of the family!"

"I am not," I scoff. "We just started dating."

"He bought you a house!"

"He gave me an apartment that he already owned."

"And that's not good enough for you?" she snickers. "Or are you just downplaying it so you don't feel bad accepting it?"

"I don't have to downplay it. It's the truth."

"Yeah, he just happened to have an empty apartment that he's giving to you for free when he could be getting at least five grand a month for it."

"Five grand is nothing to him."

"Well... yeah. But still," the humour disappears from her face. "Don't talk yourself out of this. Don't look for an excuse to end it. Just... go with what you want."

"I'm working on it," I tell her. "I've already decided we should move."

"You have?" she sits up in excitement.

"There's no reason not to. It's actually perfect for us. It's safe, it's closer to Benny's, there's a daycare down the road, and an elementary school a block over for Hayley when she's ready. If I don't have to pay bills, I can cut down on my hours and spend more time with the girls. Everybody wins."

"Yes! I love that!"

"As long as we set clear rules about how this is going to work in the future, then I don't see how I could say no."

"Thank god!" she laughs. "I was seriously starting to worry you weren't going to take advantage of your new rich boyfriend."

"Oh, God," I snicker. I know she's joking, but I don't really like thinking about his money.

"You'd be stupid not to! You have to jump at these opportunities or you'll be stuck here forever."

"And that's the last thing I want," I state. "I want to give the girls a better life and if Diego can help me do that, then that's just another perk of being with him."


"His family is really lovely, too. I don't see them screwing me over."

"Please," she scoffs. "They've been over-tipping you for years, Diego's already in love with you... you're basically set for life."

"Honestly... I hope so. Not because of the financial aspect, but I really like Diego. He's different. He cares about me, he cares about the girls. He's fun and considerate, and when he smiles I get all giddy inside, and I don't know... I just really like him. I feel comfortable around him — like I don't have to worry about a thing."

"Aw, you cutie!" Karla grins. "You're so in love!"

"No, no, no, it's too soon for love," I defend. "I just... I like being around him and I'd like to keep being around him."

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