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Diego's family is overbearing, but in the best possible way. They're loud and chatty and always laughing. They've welcomed me wholeheartedly, asking me a million questions about myself and drowning me in stories about Diego. I expected them to be close, but I didn't expect them to be so open and accepting. It really feels like they've done everything they can do to make us feel welcome.

It's obvious I'm an outsider, though. And not just because my Target dress doesn't compare to their designer outfits. I'm just a little out of step. They all speak and move with an air of authority. Even the most recent member of the family, Diego's soon-to-be brother-in-law Isaac, seems to match their sense of security. He jokes around with the others like they've been lifelong friends. He brought his nephews along, too. They're a few years older than my girls, but it's only noticeable with Penny.

They're inside right now, watching Ice Age in the theatre room with Lucy and Diego's youngest sister Violet. Penny is probably asleep by now. Hayley might be, too. Those girls ate far more food than they usually do. The Ferrari's pulled out all the stops. We basically had a full three-course meal. Even I'm stuffed to the brim.

We moved into the lounge room once dinner was over, and started on some cups of tea or booze for those who wanted it. The room looks like something out of a magazine. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a movie set, and that no one actually lived here.

The family has dispersed since dinner ended. Most stuck around for a drink or two, but most of his sisters have already left, leaving us with just Oliver in the room. He's been incredible accommodating to me this whole evening, just like the rest of the family.

"Look at you two," he leans back in his chair, eyeing Diego and I. "You're just the perfect couple, aren't you?"

"Dad," Diego laughs.

"I'm so proud you finally made it happen, son," he grins. "I was starting to think you were never going to ask the girl out."

"Come on. Give me some credit," Diego snickers. "I was always going to ask her out. I just needed to find the right time."

"And is it the right time?" he turns my way.

"It works for me," I smile. "But it would've been nice if he'd asked me out sooner."

"See?" Oliver laughs at my joke.

"You two are the worst," Diego chuckles. "I should've kept Amelia away from this damn house for as long as possible."

"Nah, kid. We're just messing with you. Jokes aside, I'm glad you found someone. I know you've been wanting this for a long time."

"You have?" I glance at Diego.

"Oh, for sure," Oliver continues. "He's always wanted to get married and have a few kids of his own."

Oh, god.

"Calm down," Diego laughs awkwardly.

"Too soon?"

"Way too soon," he runs his fingers over the small of my back, trying to reassure me. But it doesn't scare me. These things are important to talk about.

"Do you want to get married?" I ask him.

"I mean... yeah, at some point."

"And you want kids, too?"

"Yeah, I do. But we don't have to talk about that now."

"No, I don't mind. I kind of assumed... with how you are with the girls and everything."

"Oh, Diego's always been so good with kids," Oliver comments. "He used to love feeding his sisters, taking them to the park- he even played dress up with them."

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