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Adriel came out of the shower and quickly got dressed, he is curious to know who wanted to meet him.

So he made his way towards downstairs.

Adriel saw a women sitting on the couch, looking through newspaper, while fours boys were sitting like obedient children.

Adriel wondered who this women is, as he walked towards them ignoring Blasie's futile attempts of gesturing him to leave or stay out of her eyes.

But the women raised her head from reading newspaper and stared at him.

Adriel just stood, wondering what to do.

"Mom, he is Theo's friend, he came to stay for night" Blasie came up with an explanation, but his mom didn't paid him attention.

So this is their mom, Adriel realised with a surprise.

"Mrs Wallace" Adriel greeted politely

"I apologise on behalf of my husband and please call me Grace" the women spoke taking him aback, he wasn't expecting this reaction for sure.

Seeing the reaction of her sons, Adriel knew, they too weren't expecting this, especially Blasie, who looked like he saw a ghost.

"Mom, what the hell are you doing?" Blasie yelled in shock.

"Blasie, calm down will you" Grace spoke to her son with a done look and returned her attention back to Adriel

"You look like your mother, you got her eyes" Grace spoke making others speechless, if they aren't already.

"You know my mom?" Adriel asked with a shocked look

He certainly wasn't expecting this.

"I do, yours mom name is Victoria Knight, I only got to meet her once, but I remember her face clearly" Grace spoke with a smile as she gently took Adriel's hands into her before continuing.

"She was 5 months pregnant with you when I met her, later I got to know that she gave birth to a baby boy"

"Aren't you angry with her" Adriel asked softly

"Or course not, why should I? It wasn't her fault, my husband was the one who trapped her, when she got to know that he is married with four children, she immediately left him. But when she got to know that she was pregnant, she informed him, but before that she wanted to meet me. I want sure at first, but I went to meet her, I wanted to know the truth. She told me everything, she even apologized sincerely for shattering my marriage even by her unintentional mistake. She told me that she is pregnant and promised me that she or her child will never come into mine or my children's life, but fate had other plans" Grace smiled softly, Adriel was listening to her words carefully.

"Was she regretting getting pregnant with me" Adriel asked looking vulnerable all of a sudden.

"Of course not, David offered a huge sum of money to abort you, but she clearly refused him, she told him that she would never trade her baby for anything. Do you know what your mom said when I asked her what will she tell you, when you asked her, where is your papa? when you grow up" Grace asked, Adriel was staring into her blue eyes for answers.

"She told me that, my child don't want a father who don't know how to respect a women and stay loyal to her, I would rather tell my baby that his/ her papa is dead, my baby will have my family. My family don't even want me to inform him about pregnancy" Grace finished, a tear slipped from Adriel's face.

So he have a family, those voices calling him with love and care.

His family.

"Do you know them? Where are they?" Adriel asked hopefully

"I am sorry, I don't know anything about Victoria, other than her name, I am sure David himself wouldn't have any idea about her" Grace told him with a sad look on her face.

"Thanks for telling me all this Grace" Adriel spoke with a sincere smile.

"Don't thank me Adrian" Grace spoke making him look at her with surprise.

"H-How? How do you know?"

"I was the first one to read your mom's letter she wrote after giving birth to you, a beautiful baby boy named Adrian knight" Grace spoke with a knowing smile.

He was right, Adrian, that's his name, not Adriel

Those voices calling him


Adrian knight

"Now go and get ready, we are going somewhere" Grace spoke making Adriel, oh sorry Adrian look at her with a confused look, but he still went upstairs to get ready.

Grace now turned to the four gobsmacked boys and spoke

"You guys can also get ready, I am sure, you four surely have a lot of questions"

The boys nodded their heads with a dumbfounded look.

"Then go and get ready" she spoke with a done look.

Their Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now