4. Interview

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Third Person Pov

Y/n walked inside of Myoui entertainment as she was wandering around. She was amazed at how modern the building looked.

She has never worked in such a building like this before. She seemed excited.

But before she continued, she calmed herself down because she seemed to be getting ahead of herself.

She thought to herself, "Calm down, Y/n! You dumbo! You weren't even accepted into the job yet! I'm such an idiot..." She facepalmed herself in embarrassment.

A lady wearing a full-on suit walked by her as she just stared at her. She seemed to have noticed Y/n's mini excitement show. She turned her head to the receptionist while lowering her shades.

"Who is that?" The mysterious lady said.

"She is the one who is interviewing today." The receptionist replied to the lady.

"I see..." She put on her shades and continued walking ahead.

Y/n's Pov

It took me so long to find the office. But thankfully, an employee helped me find it.

I stood in front of the door that separates me from the CEO. This is so nerve-wracking, and I am scared. What if I am not qualified for this job? I need this job to provide for my family.

Y/n, get it together! Confidence, all I need is confidence.

I fixed my outfit. I purposely chose a formal outfit to leave a good impression.

I opened the door as the CEO's chair turned around. I wonder what he looked like.

When he turned around, I was shocked.

It's a FEMALE?!

"Hello," I bowed at her.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Myoui. Come sit here." She motioned me to sit in front of her, I complied.

Now that I got an excellent chance to stare at her face, she has an oval face that makes her look a bit elongated in a good way. She looks beautiful, really soft, really... gentle...

I internally shook my head at my sudden thoughts.

"My name is Kim Y/n." I smiled as she reached out her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand.

"So, do you have some sort of resume for me to see?" She asked. She seemed to keep a straight face on, and I couldn't tell what she thought of me.

"Yes, of course, here." I handed her my resume, she nodded, and grabbed the papers to read it.

"It says you only have a high school diploma, right?" She lowered the paper and asked.

"Yep," I answered her.

There is no way she is going to accept me... I might as well try to find a new job...

"Well, Y/n, I have two important questions for you. This will determine if you get accepted or not." She placed down my folder as I started to become nervous.

"Yes, what is it?" I waited as time seemed to slow down.

"The first one is, how would you describe your work ethics? The second one is, how would your work ethics and skills come to play for this company?" She placed her elbows down and held up her face with her hand.

Alright, well, darn, she is throwing the ball at me with this one. Okay, Ms. Myoui, I'll give you all I got, and I will show you everything.

"I would say I am hard working. Of course, every other worker here is hard-working, and it wouldn't seem as if I would stand out, right?" I asked as she nodded.

"Well, I will at least tell my side. I have always been someone who works towards a goal. Maybe the goal is minor or major. Whatever it is, if I know, I want it. I will achieve as much as I can to reach it. Even if it's close or not." I smiled.

She still refused to give any reaction, which was throwing me off.

"My goal is what motivates me to work as much as I can because my mom always told me as a child that if I want something, I should give it my all. Especially if the goal makes me happy." I started being unable to control my smile. I can't believe I am admitting this to a CEO.

"Very sorry, Ms. Myoui, I went on quite a rampage for the first question." I chuckled as she faintly smiled, but it quickly faded. I still saw it, though!

"It's alright, Ms. Kim. You may continue onto the second question if you'd like."

Okay, maybe she liked my explanation... Hopefully...

"For the second question, since I am someone who is goal orientated. This means I will try to put in my all and improve every day, no matter what task it may be, even if it's mundane or not."

"At the end of the day, as an individual, it makes me happy seeing my completed tasks being efficiently done."

"Lastly, I will work well with all individuals needed because a company wouldn't be a company without having a built foundation for a certain level of relationship amongst all."

"As a final statement, my skills in being able to work well with others, alongside my hard-working skills, will help the company be able to grow as a whole. " I concluded my statement.

Take that back. I think this is the worst I've ever done in an interview. Well, I might as well leave from embarrassment now.

"Is that all, Ms. Kim?" She asked as I gulped. She wasn't smiling...

"Yes, Ms. Myoui." I nodded and played with my fingers as I was nervous for her response.

"Well... After listening to your response to my questions..." She paused.

Why did she pause? Oh, it's over for me...

"You are hired." She stated as my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"T-Thank you, Ms. Myoui!" I stood up and bowed.

"Welcome to Myoui entertainment. You may start tomorrow. Please come to work by 7 am, and you may stop by the front desk if you need any help." She stated as I nodded.

"I will. Thank you for this opportunity!" I bowed again before heading out.

I did it! I did it!!! Finally! I can provide for my family!

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