Chapter 27

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Okay, I need some help from you guys-- If (Y/n) were to call Sapnap a cute nickname, like how he does with (Y/n), what should his nickname be?

It would also help if people replied to other's opinions so I can see which nickname is more favored! <3


The sound of loud hooves and galloping from our horses disturbed the quiet and peaceful forest. A determined glint was in my eyes as I carried on looking forward. It had been a while now, and I was starting to worry if we were going to right way or not. 

"Fundy!" I yelled over the wind, "How much longer until we're there?!" 

Jack and Tommy grimaced. They were all wanting to ask that question too. Fundy slightly turned his head over his shoulder and looked at me. "Not long! I'm starting to detect the scent of burnt wood and-" Fundy sniffed the air to track another scent, "-fabric!"

"Fabric?! What's fabric got to do with this?!" Tommy asked, yelling. "It's the tent's fabric! Remember? Eret mentioned he found some torn up fabric of the tents!" I yelled the answer back to him. 

Our horses ran at full speed, chasing after Fundy. When suddenly, he came to a halt. I gasped when I nearly hit him with my own horse. Luckily, my horse slowed down in time and we were safe from a collision. 

I let out a breath. "Yikes, Fundy. You could've at least warned us that you were going to stop just like that," I sighed, climbing off my horse and guiding it to a tree. I tied him to a tree using a lead and patted his black mane. 

Tommy and Jack soon followed after, copying my actions. Jack stretched, and I heard a few cracks that made me wince. 

"Gah... I hate the sound of cracking bones.." I shivered. Upon hearing this, Tommy smirked and cracked his knuckles loudly, making me squeak. 

The blond laughed at my expression until he abruptly stopped when I punched him in the gut. He hunched over, groaning. 

Tommy eventually got up, but not without shooting me a glare. I raised my hands in a mock-like surrender. "Okay, listen! You're the one who started it!" I said defensively. 

Tommy then practically turned into a gremlin child and had to be held back by Jack as he tried attacking me. Unfortunately, Tommy was stronger and held no effort when pulling away from him and dashing towards me. 

Next thing I knew, we were rolling on the dirty ground, wrestling. It was more of a fun play fight, but either way, I wasn't going to lose to this child. 

"Dammit, Tommy! Are you high on drugs or something?! Is that Quackity rubbing off on you?!" I baffled. If this was some sort of cliché anime, there would've been an irk mark on the back of my head.

"Hey, you two!" Fundy yelled out, making us stop. Tommy was holding me by the collar and his other arm was in the air, ready to punch me. Both of my hands were on either sides of his shoulders, and my knee was below his no-no square, about to kick him in the balls.

Ah, yes. Such a wonderful bond between me and Tommy 101.

"Whatever," we both simultaneously said, reluctantly letting go of each other from our not-so-much-but-what-we-still-consider-a play fight. 

Fundy sighed, face palming. "God," he muttered, "Sometimes it feels like I'm the oldest around here."

"That's because you are," Jack commented, folding his arms. Fundy sighed in a defeated manner, looking up at the sky which was covered by tall and healthy trees. 

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 - Sapnap x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat