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Taelous Or Jeonlous?

I prefer Jeonlous more lol


"Cute", Taehyung spoke louder, unconsciously.

It caused Jungkook to stop on his tracks as a pink dust covered his cheeks again.

Did he just call me cute??!!

He turned around only to see a very shocked Taehyung looking at him with widened eyes as he kept his palm on his mouth, closing it shut.

Screw you Kim Taehyung! Can't you keep your big mouth shut!? Taehyung internally scolded himself.

He didn't know how cute he looked when he was flustered to Jungkook.

"I'm sorry I was out of m–"

"D–do you think I'm cute?", Jungkook asked, wanting to confirm that he isn't hearing things.

"Y–yes", Taehyung replied in embarrassed to Jungkook who's face was on fire.

"T–Thanks I guess", Jungkook shyly replied while looking and biting his lips so he can't smile more, which he thinks will make him look like an idiot.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Sir", Taehyung apologized as he blushed lightly.

"N–no Taehyung, it's perfectly fine", Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, which is really rare for Taehyung to see.

It caused Taehyung to smile too. Jungkook's bunny smile is really adorable.

He really is cute Taehyung cooed internally.


An angry Byungho walked in the living room.

"Taehyung, I don't know but I feel like Jungkook was fvcked by someone, look at the way he was limping! I always thought that he would be a bottom but he fvcking proved it!!", Byungho spoke angrily as he sat on the couch next to an exhausted Taehyung who was watching TV.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "so?"

"I swear if it happened for real I'm going to kill that person who did it with Jungkook!", Byungho growled angrily.

"Don't behave irrationally, Byung. That guy has a life too, bro you gotta understand it. It's not like you two are dating or som—", Taehyung's words were cut off by Byungho.

"We will soon!"

"Don't cut my words when I'm speaking, it sometimes annoys me.... A lot", Taehyung spoke in irritation.

Byungho looked down and smiled in embarrassment, "C–continue"

"He's free to do what he wants and don't pretend like you didn't get laid that day. Infact you do one night stands way too much and you expect Mr. Jeon to stay loyal when you and Mr. Jeon are not even dating, yet", Taehyung defended Jungkook coz he knew Byungho was wrong.

"I do that to coz I'm stressed, Taehyung! And it makes me feel jealous when I even think of Mr. Jeon fooling around", Byungho spoke in his defence.

"I don't know about Mr. Jeon but you fool around a lot and you have to control your jealousy Byung. It's not good", Taehyung explained.

"You won't understand until you fall for someone, Taehyung!", Byungho retorted back.

"Don't drag me in between, Byung. I sometimes think that you're obsessed with hi–"

"I'm not obsessed, I like him!", Byungho again cut off Taehyung's words.

"Don't fvcking cut my words when I'm speaking!", Taehyung roared.

"Y–yeah continue"

"So I was saying that if you want Mr. Jeon to be yours then work for it instead of fvcking around like a fvckboy. Even I try to talk about you to him but he never ever listens to that", Taehyung tried to explain Byungho.

"It's because maybe he's shy"

"We don't know, Byung", Taehyung shrugged.

"You're just jealous that I and Jungkook will date, Taehyung", Byungho spoke in anger.

Taehyung choked on his saliva, "Why would I be jealous!? Are you out of your mind!?"

"Because I'll date the rich, famous boss of ours. We'll go on dates while you'll be working", Byungho replied.

"Let's not talk about it", Taehyung replied coz he was left speechless at how easily Byungho falsely accused him.

"Hmm, it's better not to talk about him"

"Let's watch the TV, yeah?", Taehyung suggested, wanting to change the topic.

"Yeah, sure", Byungho agreed.


"You look so good, Jungkookie. So cute just my type", Taehyung says a he pulled Jungkook on his lap making Jungkook wrap his arms around Taehyung as Taehyung wrapped his arms around his tiny waist.

"A–am I cute, Taehyungie?", Jungkook asked as his doe eyes sparkled.

"So freaking beautiful. This beauty is just for me. You're just for me", Taehyung spoke dreamily in his deep soothing voice as Jungkook stared at him with heart eyes.

"I'm yours Taehyungie", Jungkook replied while showing his bunny smile.

Taehyung started snuggling in Jungkook's neck while kissing it.

"T–Taehyungie", Jungkook whimpered .

"Hmm baby?", Taehyung replied, head still buried in the younger's neck.

"Kiss me...."

"On the lips", Jungkook added.

"As you say, petal"

Taehyung leaned forward and Jungkook leaned more but still his face wasn't able to reach near Taehyung's so he leaned more and more and....


Jungkook fell down from the bed and then groaned.

"Was it a dream again!? Gosh atleast let me kiss him in my dreams!!", Jungkook whined like a baby who's favourite candy is just taken away from him.

After a session of whining and muttering incoherent profanities to whoever he thinks is responsible he again got up and laid on his bed.

He stared at Taehyung and his photo that he framed after they took it during a business party. He was so happy that day because he took a photo with the person he loves from so long.

"Not bragging, but honestly I look good.... No not even good, I look the best next to you, Taehyungie. Just take this photo for example, we look like a happy couple", he says while smiling and kissing the photo softly.

"Byungho said that Taehyung likes cute people and Taehyung thinks that I'm cute! Gosh I'm so happy! Maybe Taehyung would like me someday, who knows", Jungkook squeals as he hugged the photo.

"We would look so cute when we'll go on a date, someday"

A sudden realization hit him

"We're going to Spain soon for business. I–I hope the kissing plan doesn't backfires me.... I'll have to stop Taehyung from kissing someone there, ugh!", He groaned.

Soon sleep engulfed him again with him dreaming that he would be going on a date with Taehyung.


I'll try updating more from now on :)

Stay safe🥰 Borahae💜

~ Saanvi💖

𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖤 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖬𝖤 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora