Tale 8

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Tale 8
Farewell Duke, Please Don't Ever Come Back!

"My name is Sabrina, nice to meet you!"

"I.. I'm L-luella.. P-please to meet you."

"I'm glad that I'm not alone anymore! Oh the struggles I've been through!" Sabrina said in a melodramatic way.

"You're exaggerating." Adelina

"I'm definitely not! Don't you know how much of a handful you are, Duchess? I can feel my hairline lessening everyday because of you!" Sabrina

Adelina simply chuckled.

Luella was amused to see their exchange, the two seems like good friends and not a subordinate and an employer.

Will she someday be able to be this close to the Duchess?

"Shall we have some tea at the garden?" Adelina proposes

The two readily agreed.

When the Duke heard that his wife is having tea at the garden, he immediately stuffed back the documents on the table and left his office in a hurry to join his wife.

The Duke will go to the battlefield in three months time so the Duchess will stay in the capital to send him off to war. The Duke is unsure how long he'll spend fighting in the battlefield so he wants to spend these three months with her.

"No." Adelina

"What do you mean no?" Niklaus

"I'm having tea with my friends. Why are you barging in? You'll spoil the fun." Adelina

"........." Niklaus was speechless.

Never in his life was he ever been declined this way.

Weren't everyone trying their best just to be able to have tea with him?

But now, his wife is sending him away... to drink tea with her Ladies-in-Waiting?

Have the world gone mad?

"Duchess, it's alright. Y-you should spend this precious afternoon with the Duke." Sabrina

"Y-yes Duchess. I-i-it's such a p-pleasant afternoon so y-you should enjoy it w-with the Duke." Luella added nervously.

Seeing the hopeful eyes of the Duke, Adelina could only heave a sigh and say, "Fine, you can join us."

"T-then we should l-leave." Luella

"What? Why would you leave? The Duke was the uninvited guest, no need to be shy around him. Stay and let's continue our conversation." Adelina stopped Sabrina and Luella from leaving.

Uninvited guest? The Duke?!

The two were speechless. They were afraid that the Duke would reprimand the Duchess' rude words.

But to their surprise, the Duke is still smiling brightly.

"Your tea already turned cold. Allow me to brew you another cup." Niklaus offered to his wife.

"Okay." Adelina shrugs

"T-the Duke will brew the tea?" Sabrina asked in shock

"Of course. He's not so useless that he can't even do something so simple, right?" Adelina

No, that's not the point Duchess.

Both Sabrina and Luella was shocked.

They have seen their mothers doing their best to serve their Dads. A woman's role in a marriage is to make their man happy. That's the teachings of this society.

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