Tale 6

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Tale 6

The journey towards the Capital will take eight days by carriage.

Right now, Adelina is sitting face to face with Niklaus inside the carriage.

They were alone inside the carriage and Adelina can be seen looking out of the window, bored.

It’s already the third day, and the initial awkwardness was replace by boredom.

Sabrina is travelling along with them but she’s on a separate carriage to give privacy to the Duke and Duchess of Lancaster.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Niklaus asked

“No.” Adelina responded as she watch the setting sun on the distance.

“We will be stopping soon to set up camp, this part of the North is dangerous so we must find a clearing first.” Niklaus explained

Adelina simply nod to say that she understand.

She heard rumours before that there are wolves on this part of the North. It’s indeed dangerous, but since she can use the Teleportation Legacy, she’s not very scared.

And to be honest, even Adelina is not sure how many Legacy she currently possess on her arsenal.

She feel like she can take on the world.

But of course, she’s not confident to really survive if the Medallians finds out about her true Legacy.

And Adelina’s father might get in trouble too!

Besides, she’s already troubled enough about her tragic fate as an extra, she doesn’t wanna create more problems to worry about.

So the best move is to keep her Legacy a secret!

Not long after, they stopped and set up camp to rest from the long journey.

Sabrina looked for her and enthusiastically prepared her dinner, which is a piece of grilled rabbit meat hunted down by one of their escorting guards, and several grilled vegetables. 

They are moving, so the food supply must last throughout their whole journey, it will take another day to reach a small town where they are planning to restock some food for their long journey.

“Duchess you can have my shares if you’re still hungry.” The duke offered

“No, you should eat too, Duke.” Adelina refused

“It’s alright I—”

“Eat.” She said firmly

“Yes Duchess.” The duke answered obediently

They were eating peacefully when a guard suddenly rang the alarm.


And the camp suddenly turned chaotic.

“Protect the Duchess.” Niklaus instructed before he lead his men to eliminate the attacking wolves.

The guards stood and encircled the Duchess, protecting her.

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