When it rains heavily 2

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//Maknae line//


>He always has an umbrella just in case

> He'll never remind you because he always wants the same thing to happen, for you to share one

> "Ah, quick y/n come under my umbrella!"

> The way you walk shoulder to shoulder with your arm wrapped around him made his heart melt

> Once you brought your own umbrella but he snatched it off you and offered it to one of the members

> It was cute but you always teased him for it


> He'd whine when it rains

> 'Ah not my beautiful hair and clothes!'  'Not my new shoes!' 'Y/n make it stop'

> You'd be the one offering a coat and protecting him

> When you finally get inside he's all pouty to you cheer him up by poking his cheek

> He starts talking in the third person, "Hannie doesn't like the rain"

> This is where you turn to make eye contact with Chan who heard him too and you both gave each other that look of 'what will we do with him?'


> Rainy days = stay at him and bake brownies

> He'd show you how to bake it his way, telling you his 'secret ingredients' playfully

> There will definitely be a mess with the ingredients, which will surely end up on your clothes and faces

> He made you the official brownie taste tester, and you always praised him because his brownies are always amazing

> "Hey y/n you got a little brownie on your face", *kiss*

> He does that every single time, or if there isn't something on your face, he'll purposefully put something there


> You both are on the same page when it comes to rain, find shelter 

> This time you went into the closest cafe and had a snack

> You chose a window seat and watched the rainfall, which whilst inside was very relaxing

> "Y/n, we're not walking back in that, I'm calling or a taxi, I don't care that we only had to walk an extra 5 minutes"

> It usually turns into an unplanned date, which was always a fun time with Seungmin

> When you got home the boys would hit you with the questions 'What took you so long' and 'What are you two doing out of our sight?' to which you deal with because Seungmin ignores thems


> You woke up because of the heavy rain and thunder and couldn't get back to sleep

> Cautiously you walked to Jeongins bedroom, who was still awake on his phone

> You softly asked to lie with him and he smiles and holds his hand out for you to come 

> "It the rain keeping my y/n awake?! Sorry but I'll do the same"

> Takes you both even longer to fall asleep but it's worth it because of all the little interactions you share

> Ends up with you falling asleep with him cuddling you


Hi! Just wanted to say I hope you're all doing well. It's still strange seeing how many people read these. Although it's probably not considered much for Wattpad,  behind every read there's a person. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. 

Stay safe and healthy


Out of interest, who's your Straykids bias? 

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